subcontract in a sentence

Use ‘subcontract’ in a sentence | ‘subcontract’ example sentences

1- Most services are subcontracted to local coach companies.

2- Some services were subcontracted to other companies.

3- It also clarifies job listing and subcontract requirements to facilitate compliance.

4- What is remarkable is the extent and persistence of subcontracting relations.

5- The other 22 blocks for each ship were subcontracted out.

6- Consider relative merits and costs of direct provision or subcontracting .

7- The initial solution was to subcontract the work.

8- In turn these contractors subcontract to other locations.

9- Will subcontracted work be routine or complex?

10- FEMA subcontracts the installation of FEMA trailers to numerous private contractors.

11- The manufacturing of the telescope was subcontracted to European industry.

12- Does the subcontract contain required flowdown clauses?

13- Re: subcontracting included in the tentative agreement.

14- Should I hire, or continue to subcontract ?

15- L. 95-507 subcontracting plans and goals.

16- The legislation requires certain prime contractors and subcontractors to prepare formal subcontracting plans.

17- Some large companies subcontract smaller local companies, making the organizational hierarchy unclear.

18- Such subcontracts shall be identified in the schedule of the contract.

19- Solicitations for subcontracts including procurement of materials and equipment.

20- FTG subcontracts production of the plastic chests and lids.

21- Operation of the system is subcontracted to Metro Service.

22- Whether OSF should subcontract it or hire additional engineers.

23- Mailshop was a subcontracted component of the print job.

24- All subcontract work is identified, but proposed subcontractors are not identified.

25- Prime contractors are responsible for planning, awarding, and administering subcontracts .

26- This guidance addresses issues pertinent to both preaward and postaward subcontracts .

27- Frequently the interior decorator will subcontract various jobs for the project.

28- Request a copy of prime’s subcontracting plans through FOIA.

29- In addition, there is significant employment in off-river subcontracting .

30- Coordinates as required the repairs required to be subcontracted outside .

31- We do not subcontract the installation; this is our business.

32- The private sector now does some subcontracting work for the NHS.

33- Other contracts and subcontracts should be spot-checked when feasible.

34- subcontracting : Sending production work outside to another manufacturer.

35- The studio also subcontracted 11 Road Runner cartoons to Format Films.

36- DTCL will put no restrictions on subcontracting .

37- Therefore, the terms of any subcontract should be very carefully drafted.

38- UC Irvine is the last UC campus that subcontracts its food services.

39- The builders’ union accused the firm of subcontracting wildly to lump labour.

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