stylus in a sentence

Use ‘stylus’ in a sentence | ‘stylus’ example sentences

1- Each line width has its own stylus .

2- Not every cheap iPad stylus is created equal.

3- A however available provider would have been helped stylus .

4- The touch sensitive lower screen accepts input from the included stylus .

5- The heated stylus improved the cutting of high frequencies.

6- The stylus is comprised of three or more branches stylus.

7- The stylus is comprised of three or more branches stylus .

8- It was missing a stylus , though.

9- The angle between the stylus and the screen.

10- Active for stylus input that supports this.

11- Stanton cartridges have been setting landmarks in stylus design for decades!

12- Surface devices also include a stylus for screen input.

13- The DS version uses the stylus and button controls.

14- He was using a stylus to operate it.

15- The concept is terrific, but the stylus seems unlikely.

16- This app works great with an iPad stylus .

17- For best results , use a touchscreen stylus .

18- You can add effects to designated areas with stylus drawing controls .

19- It is of particular value for stylus equipped tablets or phones .

20- Knocking the stylus free is far too easy .

21- Need the stylus to remote my PC .

22- The third adjustment is the needle (or stylus ) pressure.

23- Cross-section diagram comparing two common types of stylus .

24- The students would use a stylus on wax.

25- This price includes the stylus but not the keyboard cover.

26- Its true about the sensitivity on the stylus .

27- The stylus will work on any touch screen device .

28- The stylus is pretty pointless to me but a nice gimmick .

29- My only real complaint is the lack of a stylus .

30- Some have liked a stylus on a touch pad.

31- For some characteristics the slate and stylus are hard to beat.

32- Shooting performance The stylus 1 is impressively fast .

33- styluses are now made with modern materials.

34- Later devices used capacitive sensing which does not require a stylus .

35- stylus Magazine commented that each song has its own energy.

36- I ended up using an ipad stylus and pressing firmly .

37- Its also got a stylus and active digitizer options .

38- And the stylus is not sapphire it is diamond .

39- These could render the stylus unneeded for certain interactions .

40- I had to use (gasp) a stylus ! 390608It has an optional stylus, named the Apple Pencil, and a keyboard.

41- It’s not clear whether the stylus would be compatible with other iPad models.

42- 185475Dell hasn’t forgotten about stylus support either, but it’s not in the box.

43- Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder That’s right, Apple has announced a stylus, called Pencil.

44- Two add-ons, the Smart Keyboard and the Pencil stylus, will be available at the same time.

45- The Pencil is an active stylus and is recharged via a Lightning connector hidden inside its body.

46- Apple also is making a keyboard cover and stylus called the Apple Pencil to go along with the device.

47- Apple could also introduce its widely rumored 12.9-inch iPad, which is expected to come with a stylus.

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