study science in a sentence

Use ‘study science’ in a sentence | ‘study science’ example sentences

1- Did you study science in any depth?

2- Today , all three are at universities studying science .

3- Frankenstein was an inquisitive student studying science at university.

4- He was the first British monarch to study science systematically.

5- He studied science in Arabic, including astronomy and mathematics.

6- How many of them have studied sciences and mathematics?.

7- In fact, I was studying science at that time.

8- In 1861 Muir entered the University of Wisconsin to study science .

9- He learned English and Latin, and studied science and mathematics.

10- She joined the Atomic Energy Junior College to study science .

11- Want to study science and help researchers discover a cure for HIV?

12- I chose to study science and math to become an aeronautical engineer.

13- Patrick left Montana for college in 1965 to study science in California.

14- If you were bright, you studied science , so I did. She has to study science.

15- Holkar science College is the best college to study science in central India.

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