struck with terror in a sentence

Use “struck with terror” in a sentence | “struck with terror” example sentences

1- All the best men acquiesced in the order, while the ill-affected were struck with terror .

2- The Trojans, at the sight of the well-known armor, struck with terror , looked everywhere for refuge.

3- The first time that he stretched out this cross upon his back his tender frame was struck with terror at it, and blunted the sharp nails slightly against a stone.

4- The maid, hearing no sound, again grew alarmed, went up to the garret, and seeing her master hanging, was struck with terror .

5- The people of Magadha were struck with terror at the sight of the elephants and horses and Brhaspatimitra, the king of Magadha was humbled by Kharavela and made the Magadhan king touch his feet.

6- In chapter III, Hengist is struck with terror after hearing that Aurelius Ambrosius had rallied the Britons and burned Vortigern alive in a tower, “for he dreaded the valour of Aurelius”.

7- Finally, they raised a cry that Imam Ali (A) was approaching, and Ayesha, struck with terror , quickly remounted and the march was resumed.

8- I was struck with terror , since my Russian vocabulary, while exemplary on maritime matters, extended little further than ‘cow’, ‘milk’, and ‘bull’ which I didn’t feel was quite adequate for the occasion.

9- As his words were like burning arrows, that penetrated into the hearts of all that heard him, they were struck with terror ; and in two days all Jerusalem was roused by the news of his arrival, flocking to see him with their own eyes. 379.

10- ə-‘gast Function: adjective struck with terror , amazement, or horror

Related Words:
hold no terrorWar on Terrorholy terrorreign of terrormortal terrorfrozen with terrorseized by terrorstruck with terrorstrike terrorreign of terrorsheer terrorpure terrorstark terrorabsolute terrorflee in terror

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