strong tea in a sentence

Use “strong tea” in a sentence | “strong tea” example sentences

1- The other three lost to challengers with strong tea party support .

2- They drink hot, strong tea , usually with milk.

3- Winter often needs a strong tea flavor and this one delivers.

4- After a swim, Sabrina called for strong tea .

5- Late hours and strong tea are no good for me.

6- Butter tea is made by mixing butter or ghee and salt into strong tea .

7- strong tea can be used in the same way for a lovely brown colour.

8- For super strong tea (called Builders Tea) use more tea and brew longer.

9- Bragg went over to the counter, where a man was pouring cups of strong tea .

10- Rinse with strong tea of rose hips or cloves, or use strong black coffee.

11- I like strong tea so the shopkeeper said to steep the teabag for 6 minutes.

12- For those seeking a stronger tea you can try a one from the Yunnan region.

13- His trouble was that he drank far too much strong tea and so ruined his digestive system.

14- Moderately strong tea rose fragrance is unusual for a Canadian rose, which are generally scentless.

15- A strong tea flavor would not go well and we are looking for a mild tea flavor.

16- The conductress tried to console her with a glass of sweet, strong tea but without much success.

17- But, I say, Mulligan, you do make strong tea , don’t you?

18- strong tea , coffee and nicotine, as well as causing emotional stress cause stimulation of the delicate arterial musculature.

19- As we all rested, dad started a pot of hot strong tea and mom prepared a loaf of bannock.

20- Make a strong tea of goldenseal root (available at health food stores) and use it as a mouthwash.

21- I promise to take no more strong tea , and I’ll be in bed by one o’clock.

22- Warm spices, strong tea and steamed milk swirling around in my tummy make chai lattes a favorite during the winter months.

23- That is, if they smoke, get little exercise, overload their digestive systems with junk-food and drink gallons of strong tea or coffee.

Related Words:
teasbeef teaa cup of teaa pot of teadrink teahot teasweet teastrong teaweak teablack teawhite teamilky teahigh teaRich Teatea cosy

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