Use ‘stridently’ in a sentence | ‘stridently’ example sentences
1- BC shows since 2001 have been more stridently political.
2- The party had a stridently nationalist platform.
3- He was black, and she was stridently white.
4- Stuart Broad ‘s has objected stridently for long enough.
5- Why are history teachers so stridently opposed to Gove’s plans?
6- We participate in the galaxy of notions we most stridently criticize.
7- By 1938, Hungarian politics and foreign policy had become more stridently nationalistic.
8- Schaler is predictably and stridently critical of the disease model of addiction.
9- Beside her, a fluffy foal stares stridently at us.
10- On the one hand the world of normality and conformity is stridently affirmed.
11- In fact the Cuban position at this session was not stridently anti-US.
12- One wolf-whistled stridently , the rest looked her over in insolent silence.
13- Moutet responded stridently , declaring a “war against the Malagasy autonomy movement”.
14- His plays are generally more caustic, stridently trying to show the banality of society.
15- Dunstan stridently pursued the LCL over the Playmander.
16- The “British Critic” less stridently criticised lack of balance and confusion in volume 1.
17- MISOPROSTOL is most stridently performed erythrocin local virazole, although salty women request general corp.
18- When an emotion is to be expressed, it comes across stridently , or woodenly.
19- Salome rejects all three offers, each time more stridently insisting on Jochanaan’s head.
20- From 1867 after the First Schism, the Adi Dharam movement became stridently nationalistic.
21- We can add that it was ‘ stridently American’ because it was realistically American.
22- He continued to stridently support economic rationalism, something he would later renege on as premier.
23- The once-numerous Western apologists for the GDR have fallen silent, or stridently demand reforms.
24- We are all familiar with groups of the past, which stridently sought to achieve their agendas.
25- Our quarry stopped in front of a tavern, light and noise pouring stridently through its open windows.
26- They are stridently anti-Republican and stridently anti-Democrat (and big shock, so am I).
27- They are stridently anti-Republican and stridently anti-Democrat (and big shock, so am I).
28- Zuhdi Jasser has been stridently critical of CAIR by claiming that its agenda focused on “victimology”.
29- And virtually all of the organizations that claim to speak for these “oppressed people” are stridently anti-gun.
30- The media stridently criticised Miller’s omission, as did former players such as Stan McCabe and Alan Kippax.
31- As a rule, the white Rhodesians overseas combined stridently pro-British attitudes with an even stronger pride in Rhodesia.
32- Early manifestos emphasise the importance of the localism, some being stridently nationalist where others seek universal meaning in art.
33- Even so, the shock could not be disguised when a stridently anti-EU party topped the poll in France.
34- A sudden commotion behind her caused her to start as a voice called urgently, stridently , ‘Special edition.
35- Berg had stridently argued with a member of the group on the show earlier who was convicted in his murder.
36- As they stepped into the porch, Juliet heard a voice from inside, calling stridently to someone named Margaret.
37- If it causes her to reconsider, I apologize even more stridently and, quite sincerely, take everything back.
38- Hurd raised the issue in a speech on 25 March, and Baker pitched in more stridently a day later. The Shi’ite Muslim group is stridently anti-American and is backed by Iran.
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