stoppered in a sentence

Use ‘stoppered’ in a sentence | ‘stoppered’ example sentences

1- Typically, three identical transparent vessels are filled with sample water and stoppered .

2- Keep a small beaker in a stoppered bottle of the liquid.

3- Stir well and store in a clean, stoppered flask.

4- Among them are several stoppered bottles of Hinds’ Honey and Almond Cream.

5- The chamber was also filled with rather more stoppered bottles and clay jars than Dubois had.

6- He took out the small stoppered jar of poison and Foreman’s eyes rounded in surprise.

7- The other language, stoppered in Hamilton’s throat: it is climbing to the surface.

8- A neat dollop of anxiety cored the figure and stoppered it with a ridiculously short time-limit.

9- Once a doctor thereunder uses medications in bodice stoppered than the way I see are 3 mg dose.

10- Collect them, then blow or shake away the debris, and put seeds in stoppered jars until next spring.

11- If the bottles are securely stoppered , the gas produced by the yeast’s activities, is unable to escape.

12- These were a dozen or so stoppered glass bottles containing a selection of Wakelate’s most virulent and inventive poisons.

13- Tuan Ti Fo stoppered the bottle and fixed it to the small hook on his belt, then straightened up.

14- In a water test, the drain is also stoppered and then filled with water to see whether this can be retained.

15- Either we try to create something beautiful from what is happening; or, like heating a stoppered bottle of water, it will explode in our faces.

16- Ah, america the free, free to pay for licenses, repairs, tires, roads, cars, and gas,,just the way the major corporations wanted it when they bought up subways, trams, rail systems,,, and shut them down, while the government stood by with their mouths stoppered .

17- Blind Io took up the dice-box, which was a skull whose various orifices had been stoppered with rubies, and with several of his eyes on the Lady he rolled three fives.

18- Don’t let the faucet run while you clean vegetables Just rinse them in a stoppered sink or a pan of clean water.

19- Moreover, a story in the “Los Angeles Times” reported stoppered bottles with prescription labels were found in the medicine cabinet near the upstairs bedroom where Adams’ body was discovered.

20- When sealed, the fermenter is stoppered with a fermentation lock which allows the carbon dioxide gas produced to vent, while preventing other gasses and particles from entering.

21- The reaction is slow and only very little of the intermediates are required to produce the luminescence, hence the extended time the glow continues in a stoppered jar.

22- It was known from early times that the green glow emanating from white phosphorus would persist for a time in a stoppered jar, but then cease.

23- To do this, the sample is first isolated from the vacuum by means of the taps, the vacuum over the sample is then replaced with an inert gas (such as nitrogen or argon) and can then be stoppered and removed.

24- Carrel started an experiment on January 17, 1912 where he placed tissue cultured from an embryonic chicken heart in a stoppered Pyrex flask of his own design.

25- The people who care for these snakes are very clever at milking them and getting the venom from the animal safely, and this is then purified biochemically and erm sent to us as a dried product in a stoppered bottle and the snakes are a thousand miles away, I’m glad to say.

26- I had made a flask of tea and some sandwiches but had run out of milk at home, so I brought a stoppered bottle along planning to buy some milk in Keld.

27- Then, a young boy whose parents are training him to be a great guru (i.e., the Fisher-King) finds a stoppered vial in his home which turns out to contain the last breath (and ghost) of Thomas Alva Edison.

28- Cadfael came back to his workshop after supper, to make his final round for the night, damp down his brazier to burn slowly until morning, and make sure all his jars were covered and all his bottles and flasks stoppered securely.

29- The boatswain and the cable foreman were now lowered over the bows to “stopper” the cable, that is to make each side of the bight fast to a chain, these chains are then stoppered on deck, the one to a hawser, and the other to the drum rope.

30- It was only a small, stoppered jar.’

31- * in an open site on a rocky coast, where swimming is allowed (green flag) * a day of calm weather, * forward in the water until you have to shoulder holding a stoppered flask under water; * and then open the container, fill the capsule.

32- Art they hold in worshipful regard: Giraud’s book, his “poem”, is “a ray of moonlight stoppered up/In a beautiful flagon of Bohemian glass” (50: “Bohemian Crystal”).

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