stippled in a sentence

Use ‘stippled’ in a sentence | ‘stippled’ example sentences

1- This time I stippled in strips of glass fibre to strengthen the cast.

2- Within two hours of returning home, my feet and ankles were stippled with mosquito bites.

3- I sort of stippled on a brown undercoat, then drybrushed with various lighter tones.

4- Advanced ring lesions may take the form of black punctiform stippled patterns known as “tattoos”.

5- So the coating beads up a bit, creating a stippled , or granular, appearance.

6- The sphere was finely stippled , pocked here and there with hatches or spiked with communication towers.

7- The grip has a non-slip, stippled surface on the sides and both the front and rear straps.

8- A 1978 work presents stippled goldenrod half-moons, turning on an axis in a sea of lighter yellow.

9- The relatively large round, oval or fusiform nucleus contains finely stippled chromatin and nucleoli may be inconspicuous or absent.

10- An irregular rhythm is discernible, each sedimentary cycle is well developed and have banded or stippled beds at the base.

11- The “Wall Street Journal” adopted stippled hedcuts in 1979 to publish portraits and avoid the limitations of letterpress printing.

12- The chin was stippled with the beginnings of a blueish beard which had emerged due to the dryness of the skin.

13- A ‘cameo ruled’ design was available in the 1930s: this placed white letters against a stippled black background.

14- I spent day after gloomy day in bed, feeling dizzy LAMICTAL had a red, stippled rash, head to toe.

15- Each pot produced no more than two of the unusual, waxy trumpet-shaped blooms plus a few leaves stippled with white spots.

16- Residues judged to be structurally equivalent in terms of &agr;- carbon position and side-chain direction in the superimposed structures are stippled .

17- Although equivalent to the distance from Ayr to Portsmouth, the 420 miles on a busy route through a pleasant, well-populated region of flat or slightly undulating land, stippled with woodlands and attractive lakes, was barely a warm-up for what lay ahead.

18- I’ve stippled on some paint onto one side (so as not to sweep it all off) and will see how well it’s stuck once dry.

19- The bosom of Chanler’s shirt had been torn open, and his skin was stippled with tiny blue-black marks from chin to diaphragm–marks that formed a diabolic pattern.

20- A dramatic opening spread draws readers in, depicting a city seen from above, its stippled light reflected stars in an inky night sky.

21- Urachal tumors may cause mucous or bloody discharges in the urine, and they may produce dotted or ” stippled ” images on X-ray.

22- It has a stippled texture on the sides of the foot, and the foot itself is hollow, so it can be utilized as a loop for pulling the magazine out of stubborn pouches.

23- When I visited Bamff in May, the pools and runs the beavers had created were stippled with rising brown trout, feasting on the resurgent insect life.

24- A VGA or compatible graphics card is required but, as VGA provides for only 16 colours, the image on screen will appear stippled .

25- Brick facades can range in appearance from stippled to smooth, and the the king-size bricks from your local manufacturer may not fit your desired criteria.

26- Ever Spartan, they built their own thatched hut and lived with the minimal resources available to them, though Paul’s painting flourished with gauzy, stippled impressions of beaches, palms, and sailboats that crept into his later abstract work.

27- The medal is a gray steel cross pattée with raised rim & stippled arms, having a large central medallion embossed with the national coat of arms; rays appear between the arms of the cross, with crossed saber & rifle appearing between the arms of the cross & resting on the rays.

28- Histologically, NETs are an example of “small blue cell tumors,” showing uniform cells which have a round to oval stippled nucleus and scant, pink granular cytoplasm.

29- In Holland, local engraving masters such as David Wolff and Frans Greenwood stippled imported English glassware, a style that remained popular through the eighteenth century.

30- For instance, the “Nutcracker Suite” segment in “Fantasia” has a fairy sequence where stippled cels are used, creating a soft pastel look.

31- FWS is characterized mainly by skeletal abnormalities, which include nasal hypoplasia, a depressed or narrowed nasal bridge, scoliosis, and calcifications in the vertebral column, femur, and heel bone, which show a peculiar stippled appearance on X-rays.

32- In 1910 and 1911 they used the techniques of Divisionism, breaking light and color down into a field of stippled dots and stripes, which had been originally created by Giovanni Segantini and others.

33- The work to be engraved may be lightly scribed on the surface with a sharp point, laser marked, drawn with a fine permanent marker (removable with acetone) or pencil, transferred using various chemicals in conjunction with inkjet or laser printouts, or stippled .

34- It seemed remarkably near: a flat blue sheet, crawling as in Hong Kong with the skeins of hidden currents, stippled and rippled by breezes, and turning brassy gold where it met the horizon on to which the sun was now setting fast.

35- This was followed by E.C. Goode who, in 1901, invented the modern version of the racket by fixing a sheet of pimpled, or stippled , rubber to the wooden blade.

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