stinginess in a sentence

Use ‘stinginess’ in a sentence | ‘stinginess’ example sentences

1- We disapprove of stinginess , and redress perceived wrongs.

2- Because of stinginess , heedlessness, it doesn’t shine.

3- And present in souls is stinginess .

4- It also offers easy maintenance and downright stinginess when it comes to gasoline consumption.

5- The dictionary definition of parsimonious is ” frugal to the point of stinginess .

6- The state is exhibiting Mr. Scrooge-like stinginess and won’t bail Philadelphia out.

7- Therefore, from the beginning, there has been no stinginess at all.

8- The two un-virtuous extremes are wastefulness and stinginess (or meanness).

9- Fortunately, though, the red dwarfs’ legendary stinginess provides another opportunity for assessing metallicity.

10- As for all living beings, without exception, stinginess , and envy are destroyed by him.

11- This was partially due to the humiliation of the Colonel’s many romantic affairs and his stinginess .

12- The best response to accusations of stinginess is not to be defensive, but to be generous.

13- Moreover, intermixed with accounts of greed and ‘ stinginess ‘ are accounts of generosity and lavish rewards.

14- Apple has come under fire in recent weeks for its falling stock price and its perceived stinginess with investors .

15- He is well known in the UAE for his stinginess , faliure to pay labourers and so forth.

16- The researchers found that in some societies , not only is stinginess tolerated, but excessive generosity is punished.

17- Whether it’s clinginess, stinginess or cluelessness, most people settle for boring, unflattering or unsuitable outfits.

18- stinginess should be spurned.

19- One reason for American stinginess , I think, is a sense that foreign aid is money down a rathole.

20- Unfortunately, the family seemed to descend into even deeper poverty, largely due to the stinginess of Signor Serenelli.

21- George exhibits a number of negative character traits, among them stinginess , selfishness, dishonesty, insecurity, and neurosis.

22- James explains his stinginess , and also reveals that he ruined his career by staying in an acting job for money.

23- They could protest Loria ‘s stinginess , and their elected officials’ complicity in the public financing, by staying home.

24- Even for the fans who want nothing more than to win , there’s still something to behold in his stinginess .

25- Zakaat purifies the soul from stinginess and miserliness, and accustoms people to being generous and helping the poor and needy.

26- Critics have accused him of stinginess toward poor children with regards to health care in a time when it is increasingly unaffordable.

27- For example, a man of frugal nature, in whom the tendency for stinginess has been turned into a concept, through the environment, perceives frugality through some reasonable definition.

28- For example, if one inherits from his ancestors a tendency to stinginess , as he grows he builds for himself concepts and ideas that conclude decisively that it is good for a person to be stingy.

29- This (Q.5) stinginess could be a point in their favor since the average lifetime of a red dwarf is one hundred times that of the Sun, which would allow life a much longer time to evolve.

30- Hospitality keeps us from stinginess , holding onto our stuff and our territory as if it only belongs to us, rather than being given to us to take care of and share.

31- Bono was accustomed to prating about the evils of the I.M.F. and the stinginess of donors; he was taken aback when O’Neill escorted him through factory floors and explained that Africa would benefit more from even a modest expansion of trade than from a radical increase in aid.

32- These Bodhisattvas have a spiritual nature that without the three poisons of greed, hatred and stupidity, and is without arrogance or conceit, the concealment of faults, stinginess , jealousy, flattery or deception.

33- Without stinginess or regret, without expecting any reward, without seeking any praise and without desire for profit, they only give in order to rescue & safeguard all living beings, accept & embrace all living beings, and abundantly benefit all living beings.

34- His accuracy and stinginess with runs made him almost without equal as a one-day bowler, for he could both contain and attack at the same time since the bounce he got from his great height and the control he had over the ball gave him the extra penetration that brought wickets.

35- It’s as though the economic crisis has found its way into the interpersonal dynamics of people’s lives resulting in a stinginess of spirit.

36- The stinginess of relations, and the greed of mad-house proprietors, makes many a patient look ten times madder than he is, by means of dress.

37- By finding effective ways to surrender fear, stinginess , and other resistances to abundance so that money can flow more freely into your life.

38- So, first of all, this is truth, not a bid for control or a slash of stinginess or cloud of mystique.

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