stifles in a sentence

Use ‘stifles’ in a sentence | ‘stifles’ example sentences

1- Such bitterness being emotional, stifles logical thought.

2- It stifles open participation and free speech.

3- This stifles political freedom and undermines social and economic progress.

4- While fun and often convenient, lore ultimately stifles our progress.

5- Grant said his biggest objection is that the agency stifles innovation .

6- That stifles creativity because so often results are not immediate.

7- Lack of funds, stifles individuality and natural human impulses.

8- Serious faults: Short second thigh; straight stifles .

9- It only stifles their creativity and uniqueness.

10- Steep upper arm, straight stifles , lacks second thigh.

11- The opposition knows how he plays and stifles it .

12- Especially if their complaint is in the stifles .

13- The stifles are moderately bent and taper smoothly into the hocks.

14- He stifles his anger, and departs amid further effusions.

15- She is terrified of losing Luc and stifles him with love.

16- Ridged regulation causes them to feel resentful and stifles their creativity.

17- It stifles innovation and allows policy-making to stagnate.

18- We disobey social protocol that stifles and stigmatizes personal freedom.

19- She can now flex her hocks and stifles almost normally.

20- Credit rationing stifles competition between banks.

21- They claim that it restricts their freedom and stifles their personal growth.

22- With brutal consistency, it stifles free thought and crushes new ideas.

23- Over-supervision stifles initiative, breeds resentment, and lowers morale and motivation.

24- The current patent system probably stifles innovation as much as it creates it.

25- The stifles are moderately well bent.

26- Incense only stifles me; it has no aroma.

27- Overprotection stifles the very creative forces its suppose to nurture.).

28- Redskins’ defense stifles Tony Dorsett to 34 yards on 14 carries.

29- Some horses may have stifles that once locked cannot be suddenly released.

30- The preponderance of rectilinear shapes stifles my imagination and dampens my spirit.

31- Neil Young sighs, stifles a yawn with a laugh.

32- Many are opposed to the ban as they feel it stifles their rights .

33- It also stifles inflammation due to inhibition of histamine secretion (13).

34- He apologises as he stifles another yawn and tries to look interested.

35- This usually stifles free enterprise and results in preferential treatment for those who can.

36- You will keep the stifles sound and the performances will be consistently better.

37- Bernanke actually stifles a laugh and then gives him Econ 101 , politely.

38- The manager ‘brings out what is in them or he stifles them.

39- A sick community stifles the individual; a healthy one encourages and celebrates individual success. A company that stifles innovation can’t hope to grow very much.

40- Overdose: How Excessive Government Regulation stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation.

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