sternest in a sentence

Use ‘sternest’ in a sentence | ‘sternest’ example sentences

1- The sternest test the plane has yet faced.

2- The sternest critics of religion have often been found within religions.

3- Rob’s trout rod had stood the sternest test.

4- The interior is of the plainest and sternest character.

5- Bumface’s sternest tones were reserved for Charles.

6- In September 1297 Wallace and Moray faced their sternest test.

7- In 1228, James faced the sternest opposition from a vassal yet.

8- Not Charity in her sternest mood.

9- In February 1982 Rowling foolishly decided to drop his sternest critics from his Shadow Cabinet.

10- The debate continued with a reply by one of her sternest critics, Robert P. George.

11- With the exception of a nuclear missile attack, it withstood the sternest of all possible tests.

12- However, in taking on the famous Blackrock club, Glen Rovers were facing their sternest test.

13- Preceding the Twenty-First Zionist Convention in Winnipeg Freiman’s optimism and Presidency was put to its sternest test.

14- Lord Byron admired Crabbe’s poetry, and called him “nature’s sternest painter, yet the best”.

15- Comments: NAB: The twenty-one verses of this book contain the shortest and sternest prophecy in the Old Testament.

16- He is doomed to fail in this venture but still deserves the sternest of rebukes for pulling such a shabby stunt.

17- Some of Jesus’ sternest words were directed at those who ignored the truth that was staring them in the face.

18- Even the sternest grammarian must applaud, in the end, the way art and trash are so gleefully lumped together.

19- The arrival of Christianity in Birka sparked off one of the sternest tussles between Christianity and paganism anywhere in this period.

20- Life is a continual learning experience and, as a physician, I have come to regard pain as among the sternest but most effective of life’s teachers.

21- Von Holst, the sternest of Van Buren’s critics, awards to him on “this one question” the credit of ” courage, firmness, and statesman-like insight.” It was the chef d’oeuvre of his public career.

22- There was a popular uprising (even the sternest critics of it would concede that those TV pictures of the mass crowds centred around Maidan Square in Kiev were not, in fact, fakes) against the Yanukovych government, December 13 – February 14.

23- Let the hapless prisoners who are there, and the soldiers in the field who have that possible fate before them, understand that the people hear their sighs and comprehend their fears, and will insist that in this matter the rebels shall be held to the sternest account.

24- She had returned, therefore, and resumed,–of her own free will, for not the sternest magistrate of that iron period would have imposed it,–resumed the symbol of which we have related so dark a tale.

25- They know that the government won’t rein them in; that the Independent Police Complaints Commission eats out of their hands; that the sternest sanction an officer can expect for beating or killing a passer-by is some extended gardening leave.

26- He denounced prayers for the dead, the invocation of saints, the vices of the clergy, the superstitions of the church, and the licentiousness of the age, and he set an example of the sternest morality.

27- The Young Lions provided the bulk of the SEA Games squad while many of their squad from last season have gone on to form the core of this season Lions XII squad so you can imagine it was hardly the sternest of work outs for the Malaysian champion.

28- The sternest criticism of QE2 is the way it pumped up asset prices like commodities in recent months without making much of an impact on U.S. economic growth.

29- She had come through her sternest test, she had proven the singing budgie brigade was woefully wrong and that she was now ready to take her career into the even more rarefied atmosphere occupied by only a tiny handful of superstars.

30- By the time she left the stage – ‘I Should Be So Lucky’ was the predictable finale – both he and his most successful star had survived their sternest test.

31- It is a great art that which can bring even fiction to the aid of truth, and robing her in a transparent dress, render us enamored of her even when coldest and sternest .

32- But having tasted it….He would not drink it. ….He would meet Death, even in his sternest and fiercest mood, and conquer by submitting to the full….(p.880).

33- I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable, because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible.

34- Arsenal fans have been quick to judge Vermaelen in recent pre season games but I think facing these two guys will be the sternest test he faces before the Premier League season begins.

35- Her love of fun was so irresistible, her repentance for wrong-doing so great, the sternest heart could not hold anything against her.

36- A typical speaker stated that “Mawson has returned from a journey that was absolutely unparalleled in the history of exploration–one of the greatest illustrations of how the sternest affairs of Nature were overcome by the superb courage, power and resolve of man”.

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