steepest in a sentence

Use ‘steepest’ in a sentence | ‘steepest’ example sentences

1- The steepest incline is 1 in 66.

2- The steepest stretches of the climb reach 12%.

3- The increase was the steepest since November 1974.

4- The steepest gradients were two stretches at 1 in 75.

5- The steepest gradient of the section was 1 in 11.

6- Beijing prices are the steepest in the country .

7- The gentlest grade was 48%, the steepest 62%.

8- The undershoot trajectory is defined by the steepest allowable trajectory.

9- Typically, the water will flow down the steepest slope.

10- That includes the steepest section (which has curves).

11- The rise has been steepest among 15- to 17-year-old whites.

12- The fall-off was steepest among the least productive third of workers .

13- The plunge in existing-home sales was the steepest since 1989.

14- That, in our opinion, was the steepest part yet.

15- The theatre has two circles and the steepest rake in Britain.

16- The steepest dips are confined to the southern third of the area.

17- I think portrait photography probably has one of the steepest learning curves.

18- While still on the steepest paths we pass poachers carrying off timber.

19- The landing slope was 37 degrees at the steepest and 115 meters long.

20- This part of the trail is the steepest of the day.

21- The steepest mainline railroad grade in North America at 5.03%.

22- For Noonan, the steepest downturn since the 1930s never happened.

23- That resulted in the currency ‘s steepest plunge since the 2002 financial crisis.

24- But from 1865 to 1869 was the steepest ever decline in generational leadership.

25- For manned missions the steepest entry angle is limited by the peak deceleration.

26- This is also the beginning of the steepest part of the run.

27- Also of note is Baldwin Street, the world’s steepest street.

28- Cautiously we began to descend the steepest hill on the Highway.

29- The pass is rather steep (the steepest ascent of the trek).

30- I was on the steepest part.

31- The steepest gradient was 1 in 11 and the sharpest curve 1.4 chains.

32- The trail is well marked and the steepest rock scrambles have rails installed.

33- The provincial evening papers suffered a steady decline, steepest in the later years.

34- The steepest slopes, which may reach 50% slope, face the northeast.

35- The sharpest curve was 20 m and the steepest gradient was 1 in 30.

36- The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index headed for its steepest two-day slide since April.

37- It starts up a hill which is the steepest on the whole road.

38- Detroit has faced the steepest population decline of any American city in recent decades .

39- It’s one of the steepest penalties that the IRS can impose.

40- The graph shows the steepest rise to have occurred in the last four years. A Burundi proverb notes that the best trees grow on the steepest hills.

41- The Hindu religion advises that the road to the good is the roughest and steepest in the universe.

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