stagy in a sentence

Use ‘stagy’ in a sentence | ‘stagy’ example sentences

1- One of the men spotted her and emitted a stagy wolf-whistle.

2- The Great Race is sometimes stagy in that “Quinn Martin production” way.

3- That scene offers a glimpse of The Pirate at its broadest and most stagy .

4- Lovely timing again, darling,’ Lucenzo drawed, mimicking a stagy effusiveness.

5- Some of the new work is uncomfortably stagy , some of the colour disquietingly lurid.

6- On the other hand, the Genesis scenes are slow, stagy , contrived, and dull.

7- In particular, a love scene between Tony and a hotel receptionist is stagy and makes no narrative sense.

8- Maybe this is normal for movies, but this book gets it across as not stagy or cartoon violence.

9- Most of the movie takes place over this long eveningÔÇôanother stagy touch that turns into a cinematic advantage.

10- Similarly, his directing developed techniques of screen storytelling and editing that emphasized elliptical suggestion and nuance over stagy obviousness.

11- What we were watching ÔÇô in stark contrast to some of Cameron ‘s stagier photo opportunities ÔÇô was the real thing.

12- I call you ‘politically Stalinist because of your ‘ stagiest ‘ and one-sided philosophical viewpoint to the social relations of society.

13- The movie Tristam Shandy ÔÇôwhich took a similar stagy approachÔÇôdid not exactly make me enthusiastic about the idea of seeing more movies done in similar fashion.

14- Your definition of your interpretation of this ‘stalinism’ ÔÇô which you define as a “all class popular frontist stagiest politics” is not something I’ve ever argued for as a point of principle.

15- Your political educational tradition is for all class popular frontist stagiest politics; where mine is a class analysis and the working class taking the lead in a united front against the capitalist system.

16- But the reason for that is because you are a stagiest and will only have a quick fix attitude to complex political and social problems enigmas.

17- Here in Scotland the ‘Left Nationalists’ that sandy is so hostile too are stagiest , that is fight for independence now and worry about how to achieve socialism later.

18- However, it is not just you Karl Stewart who has this stagiest attitude but the majority of the main ‘usual suspect’ contributors here.

19- Although the cinematography by Janusz Kaminski ( War of the Worlds , The Terminal ) is superb, as is the use of locales outdoors, and stunning, naturally lit sets indoors, there is a stagy quality to the way each scene is mounted that is likely due to Kushner’s background as a playwright.

20- But as broad and stagy as the film surely is, it’s so smart and self- reflexive that it becomes a delight for those who get the joke (that won’t necessarily be everyone, which is why the film has so consistently divided critics and audiences).

21- The performances too are excellent, with all six dancers (from the Royal) sensitively adapting to the small scale of The Place (no stagy projection or glazed expressions).

22- Sullavan then stole a stagy Joan Crawford vehicle, Borzage’s The Shining Hour (which might be called Joan Gets Snubbed at Pickfair ).

23- Mandolin Serenade (2:41) This stagy promo short made for the film’s U.K. run “shows” Chaplin directing a few bars from his film score.

24- There is something stagy , or unreliable, about the depiction of age: despite the film’s sophisticated effects, the old man who controls time wears a tacked-on beard and powdery whiskers.

25- A 1946 review in the “Harrison’s Reports” trade journal, found that the film had some suspenseful moments and could be enjoyed by fans of the genre, but that the overall effect was “artificial and stagy “.

26- As the film moves through its final third, we tour the stagier sets and sample the less formally scripted scenes which characterize Fellini’s later work.

27- There was a rather stagy photograph of the man who’d written the article casting on a shingle beach; in a companion photo, he’d set up a three-rod line and was gazing mistily over the breakers.

28- Lee found that in contrast to Chinese cinema, he had to dissuade many of the actors from using a “very stagy , very English tradition.

29- Also, “The Likely Lads” had been quite ” stagy ” (in the theatrical sense) in its format: being studio bound, with little in the way of location filming.

30- I, Claudius (1976) This epic adaptation of Robert Graves’s novels about the ruling dynasty of ancient Rome may appear stagy to modern viewers but it wowed Seventies audiences with its combination of Grand Guignol horror and meaty emotional truth.

31- The real complaint here is that the exposition scene is so stagy and clumsy , involving as it does a whole roomful of people we have never seen before and (with the one exception) never see again.

32- For the revue to generate its greatest impact , this cohesion is absolutely necessaryÔÇônot a stagy representation of being connected, but a genuine intimacy between themselves which they then dare to risk when they welcome us.

33- The 2006 adaptation, directed by Chicago screenwriter Bill Condon, is pretty darn good for the most part, with Condon finding ways to transform the stagier , more artificial numbers into something that works cinematically.

34- It is interesting to note that her Lux Radio Theater performance of The Lady Eve , included here among the extras, sounds stagy and forced.

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