squall in a sentence

squall meaning:

n.) A sudden violent gust of wind often attended with rain or snow.

v. i.) To cry out; to scream or cry violently,

n.) A loud scream; a harsh cry.

squall sentence:

The ship rocked in the squall.

The hungry kid began to squall.

Brief squalls may occur during December.

A violent squall sank both ships.

The boat was blown over by a squall.

She squalled when she saw a mouse.

The baby was squalling in its crib.

There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.

An intense snow squall began again.

The sailboat nearly capsized in the squall.

The storm brought squalls to Cape Verde.

As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall.

On the return voyage, Shelley’s yacht capsized in a sudden squall.

The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.

Then another brief silence, followed by very heavy firing, like a squall of rain.

Another rain squall blotted out the harbour and water cascaded down the window panes.

The weather was hazy, with heavy swells and occasional squalls.

The attempt was unsuccessful, due to heavy following seas and violent squalls.

One of these squalls toppled trees and damaged awnings in Stuart.

Heavy rain with squalls affected Hong Kong on the morning of 19 July.

He changed course five degrees and looked aft to check for squalls.

He was taken with little squalls of mirth that subsided, each more quickly than the last.

Suddenly the sharp, heavy squall of the air raid siren lashed the silence between them.

The clouds can form alone, in clusters, or along a cold front in a squall line.

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