sputters in a sentence

Use ‘sputters’ in a sentence | ‘sputters’ example sentences

1- The direct action campaign sputters out and is quietly shelved.

2- A firecracker fuse sputters under the rim of the can.

3- The car sputters some, but makes it — taking me home.

4- Sparks, splashes and sputters fairly leaped from the little receiving bar.

5- The screen sputters an’ then says: “Secretarial Service Demonstration!

6- Will blink but not start sputters for a bit and then simply turns off .

7- The very high bitrate staves off any sputters or stutters in the AVC encode.

8- All too soon it sputters before coming to a sickening halt along the shoulder of the road.

9- It clanks, whooshes, and whines, breathes, buzzes, and sputters .

10- The fine note of the Eliminator slowly changes, sputters a little as the engines heat picks up.

11- That seems to sum up the situation in a nutshell as one of Europe ‘s largest economies sputters .

12- Suddenly , the V-8 sputters and wheezes, the noise echoing off the garage’s cinder block walls.

13- Their economy never stutters or sputters because they print more money for themselves and choke it out of us.

14- For when the breath does not find entrance to him, he foams and sputters like a dying person.

15- But it is amusing to hear Pearl Jam’s derivative pentatonic guitar solos next to Neil’s sputters and squawks.

16- Bott explained that One in three x 86 systems that work with Windows 95 sputters and dies when faced with NT.

17- Dividends set to shrink as economy sputters RBC , TD Bank, Scotiabank, National Bank, CIBC dividends to shrink?

18- The engine sputters .

19- He explained that the brain “sort of sputters ” when it is deprived of sufficient sleep, causing slips in performance and attentiveness and often resulting in “microsleeps” — involuntary lapses into sleep, in which accidents can occur.

20- The plasma affects the magnetic field, contributes to the “space weathering” of the planet’s surface, and sputters material from the surface to populate the exosphere.

21- The screen sputters .

22- The screen sputters .

23- One bright fella demands, “How can I make a perpetual motion machine?” And his logic sputters a while an’ then comes up with a set-up usin’ the Brownian movement to turn little wheels.

24- The screen sputters .

25- It sputters in spasmodic gasps where the three-legged drills are worrying their way with bull-dog tenacity into the sides of the unsplit blocks, and urges the big pumps with wheezy groan to keep down the incoming water in the lowest levels.

26- That potential is squandered on an amateurish script and a climax that desperately wants to be an explosive confrontation but instead sputters as a wet fart.

27- After she catches him uninvited in her bedchamber, he sputters (rather endearingly) a feeble excuse that he wished to bring her a gift, and a handful of pearls and other jewels flow up into his hand from nowhere.

28- For the 88-year-old retired architect, it was a reminder of President Vladimir Putin ‘s priorities even as the country’s economy sputters .

29- If the player chooses to kill Ora, the protagonist disembowels himself with the ritual sword and Ora dissolves into inky nothingness as the Marked ninja sputters his last breath and dies in the courtyard.

30- Kirkus Reviews also said, “As the final confrontation sputters into an inconclusive anticlimax, the one interesting revelation, which might explain some contradictions, is pointlessly repudiated,” referring to discovery of Renn’s true parents.

31- Heard as a piece, though, the album’s momentum sputters and dies more than once; after a few consecutive listens, T.I. sounds dour and joyless, like he’s just punching the clock.

32- Swing moves and speaks in an erratic, jumpy fashion, in bursts, and sputters rather than a continuous flow of movement or sound.

33- At its best, it’s still several strides behind the savage, protean wit of “The Simpsons”, and the humor sputters when the focus is personal”.

34- If he sputters out of the gate, cutting him a year from now comes at no cost, as the $3 million in guaranteed money was already paid up front.

35- But this was the headline in The Wall Street Journal over the weekend once the IPO came out and the price appeared to be rather flat was it that it was somewhat disappointing, that the launch actually sputters .

36- He ‘ll probably see some power-play time as well if the B’s special teams unit sputters once again, with Campbell providing a solid net-front option for tips and traffic.

37- Heard as a piece, though, the album’s momentum sputters and dies more than once; after a few consecutive listens, T.I. sounds dour and joyless, like he’s just punching the clock.

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