sputtered in a sentence

Use ‘sputtered’ in a sentence | ‘sputtered’ example sentences

1- I sputtered for the next few minutes.

2- The event sputtered after an adventurous 45 minutes of transmission.

3- The Falcons run game sputtered and suffered from untimely penalties.

4- The Falcons stayed close while the Vikings offense sputtered .

5- A PPF layer was deposited onto a sputtered gold electrode.

6- Solomon John’s candle sputtered and went out.

7- A generator sputtered and belched black smoke .

8- The ninja sputtered and looked around the kitchen in bewilderment.

9- Kudlow sputtered , but he had already said too much.

10- But the drive sputtered after the prince’s assassination in 1866.

11- In response, the U.S. economy sputtered and then collapsed.

12- During the first couple of weeks the Nuggets offense sputtered .

13- I raised my eyes to his and sputtered with anger.

14- But his life only got worse as the already weak economy sputtered .

15- The car behind him coughed and sputtered .

16- Then, inexplicably, Jacob sputtered back to life.

17- The revolt sputtered , and Figueroa was arrested and summarily executed.

18- He also snored and sputtered a lot during the night.

19- Chaos had been averted, though strikes in the public services sputtered on.

20- Later, a tour with Davis and Sinatra in 1988 sputtered .

21- Scoring sputtered for South Whidbey in the second quarter.

22- He sputtered at the Mouth, & stamped with his feet”.

23- The bike shuddered and sputtered as he accelerated into a straight stretch.

24- The Seahawks sputtered near mid-field, and faced 4th and 1.

25- Other occasions , they’ve sputtered like a 1967 Oldsmobile.

26- These chemical components are then adsorbed and ” sputtered ” into the atmosphere.

27- The Gophers have sputtered into the tournament , losing seven of 10.

28- Second, European economies have sputtered .

29- A sputtered gold film and a layer of silica aerogel are used for insulation.

30- Half-past three, The lamp sputtered , The lamp muttered in the dark.

31- For them, something meteoric began unexpectedly and spectacularly but soon sputtered and died.

32- In her frustration she sputtered , “You … you … Ratzinger!

33- The sputtered , secondary ions are directed onto the mass spectrometry system to be measured.

34- Then the rally sputtered and stocks turned lower in the final few minutes of trading .

35- The Rebels attacked again at dusk, but the attack sputtered in the darkness.

36- Did you know that racism and lynching sentiments were sputtered massively by Progressives?

37- The team’s fortunes improved after that season, but the rebuilding process soon sputtered .

38- The sputtered emission mix forms the dark marks at the lamp ends seen in old lamps.

39- The Gamecocks began clicking on offense in the second half as the Vols sputtered .

40- While the Cardinals’ defense is clicking on all cylinders, their offense has sputtered . These chemical components are then adsorbed and “sputtered” into the atmosphere.

41- Campbell, however, sputtered, and soon lost his starting job to Bateman.

42- Chicago’s offense sputtered for most of the game after the first two TD passes.

43- The polymer is immediately sputtered away by the physical part of the etching, but only on the horizontal surfaces and not the sidewalls.

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