Use ‘spunky’ in a sentence | ‘spunky’ example sentences
1- The race started out nice enough and spunky .
2- They are not merely spunky but downright obsessive .
3- Precious may be 18 years old but she still gets spunky .
4- The spunky senior has a message for her attacker .
5- She’s fairly quiet with a spunky side.
6- Kafka enthusiasts will find a familiar friend in this spunky volume.
7- Cass is spunky and Von Bach is just plain awesome .
8- She’s a fun spunky lady to have around!
9- I tried and played with spunky every day.
10- The shades are exuberant , spunky and vivacious.
11- Another sister includes spunky , Hiyori’s older twin sister.
12- Camellia is bright, tough and spunky .
13- I miss spunky with all of my heart.
14- A spunky , peevish state that can occur with inflammation anywhere.
15- The ” spunky Cola Special” downloadable content was generally well received.
16- It is spunky , fun, warm, exciting and never boring.
17- She was bright and funny and spunky and so incredibly likable .
18- Please welcome the funky, spunky , spicy, PC Wheeler!
19- This tiny spunky car has 101hp from it’s 1.4l engine.
20- Where Lizbeth is spunky , Ruth Ann is a shrinking violet.
21- Her personality is mischievous and spunky .
22- Lottie is a marvelously outgoing and spunky girl .
23- Gemstones – spunky , upbeat girls who love to sing and dance.
24- Alana Hibbert was funny and believable as the spunky maid.
25- Emily is continuing to improve and is getting spunky and is no longer depressed.
26- Katniss is strong and feminine, nurturing and heroic, sincere and spunky .
27- We need spunky , playful characters to make this play reach its full potential!
28- Misinterpretation is instead spunky to treat hypersensitive conditions as genetic by your doctor.
29- spunky , imaginative, and a natural leader, Milli makes math extra exciting!
30- Meet Connie, a spunky 72-year-old grandma who just received her first computer.
31- Naomi gets along well with everyone and was loved by everyone with her spunky attitude.
32- You’re a spunky girl navigator (can you think of a better term?
33- Upon landing in North Sularto, they meet a spunky gunslinger named Cheryl.
34- Gavroche , the spunky street urchin, is a hard role to get right.
35- She’s a self proclaimed ” spunky ” type of girl who definitely walks the walk.
36- Toonces takes spunky‘s place by chloroforming spunky and impersonating him.
37- Toonces takes spunky‘s place by chloroforming spunky and impersonating him. “The good news is that Hallie Kate Eisenberg of East Brunswick, playing a spunky but vulnerable 8-year-old, gives the movie a real jolt of charm.
38- spunky also can do a cool trick but it was not shown.
39- Anvesha Banerjee Ray (Asshi) Character Spirited, spunky and downright crazy, Anvesha is a rebel for the heck of it.
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Related Words:
spumes – spuming – spun – spunk – spunkier – spunkiest – spunks – spunky – spur – spurge – spurges – spurious – spuriously – spuriousness – spurn –
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