sprigs in a sentence

Use ‘sprigs’ in a sentence | ‘sprigs’ example sentences

1- They had several flavors of tiny basil sprigs .

2- There are 17 sprigs of berries on each side.

3- For best results, buy sprigs from a reputable dealer.

4- Use sod or sprigs of the existing hybrid instead.

5- Do not let the sprigs dry out during planting.

6- Plant the sprigs in rows about six inches apart.

7- Late spring is the best time for planting sprigs .

8- We have no sprigs of yellow blossoms.

9- Cut sprigs when flower buds form and before they have opened.

10- They don’t just have tiny basil sprigs .

11- Add tomatoes , salt, pepper and fennel sprigs .

12- Remove rosemary sprigs from pot and discard.

13- Decorate with sprigs of fresh mint and serve.

14- Garnish with lemon slices and sprigs of parsley.

15- Insert the flower sprigs into the foam, within the general framework.

16- Plugs and sprigs should be planted between late April and June.

17- Hybrid varieties can be planted in April or May as sprigs .

18- Add rosemary sprigs to the coals or place in a smoker box.

19- Tuck the sprigs of thyme and the bay leaf into the mixture.

20- With your fingers, slide some sprigs of tarragon under the breast skin.

21- In a cocktail tin , muddle the mint sprigs with the sugar syrup.

22- The shamrock refers to the young sprigs of clover or trefoil.

23- The faster the stand is desired, the more sprigs that must be planted.

24- The individual sprigs may be purchased from nurseries or separated from pieces of sod.

25- Sprinkle log with paprika and garnish with parsley sprigs .

26- Stop with fresh crushed ice and garnish with a couple of fresh mint sprigs .

27- Place several sprigs of fresh thyme and the smashed garlic clove inside the cavity .

28- As a rule of thumb, sprigs should be planted within 24 hours of digging.

29- The “collar” is made of gold and depicts thistles and sprigs of rue.

30- Serve the chicken on a platter, garnished with sprigs of fresh tarragon.

31- Garnish with cilantro sprigs and serve immediately as spread for the toasted bread slices.

32- sprigs is the best example of a Kosovar start-up company established in Pristina.

33- Design: Butterfly within leafy sprigs of the lignum vitae, the national flower.

34- Other that a few sprigs of chickweed there is not a weed in site.

35- Once it hits the slow boil , remove from heat and remove the rosemary sprigs .

36- Add balsamic vinegar and rosemary sprigs .

37- Pine sprigs are the easiest.

38- Next, push sprigs of the other kinds of foliage into the gaps to fill.

39- Gently remove sprigs of rosemary from the stalk and sprinkle over chicken with chopped parsley.

40- sprigs of holly, mistletoe and poinsettias of many colors are favorites for holiday decorating. Pour sauce into four small ramekins and garnish with sprigs of rosemary.

41- Surround these with extra sprigs of holly and a handful of baubles, and your table is set.

42- Derek Elley of Variety that Spirited Away “can be enjoyed by sprigs and adults alike” and praised the animation and music.

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