spicing in a sentence

Use ‘spicing’ in a sentence | ‘spicing’ example sentences

1- It’s nice to keep spicing things up, really.

2- Even basic stripes can use a little spicing up sometime.

3- And then go to town spicing up your foods!

4- This app takes a new twist on spicing up your love life .

5- The Code’s list of prohibitions was their menu for spicing things up.

6- Live-in lovers spicing up the marital bed , even helping raise the children.

7- Need your magazine spicing up with some golden-skinned , writhing bodies?

8- Perhaps it is BV’s way of spicing up their collection a bit?

9- MLB is fighting two problems when it comes to spicing up its All-Star Game .

10- spicing may be enhanced to include paprika, peppercorns, and even tomato sauce.

11- spicing is another personal perspective .

12- The published volume of the 1992 symposium is entitled ” spicing Up the Palate”.

13- Q. I need help spicing the love back up between me and by boy friend.

14- It is amazing how many uses there are for plants besides spicing up our cooked entrees.

15- The indigo children, already ” spicing the mix,” will provide needed encouragement and inspiration.

16- Roasting, baking, boiling, frying, mashing, and spicing are all cooking techniques.

17- You should transform clever decre in spicing up a consistent routine for yourself ankylosing these three components.

18- But it still only concentrates on spicing up the action at the front of the field.

19- The spicing was mild, though this was more than made up for by the on-the-table sauces.

20- Great for parties, weddings, restaurants and any type of event that needs some spicing up.

21- Such dishes are called by specific names that refer to their ingredients, spicing , and cooking methods.

22- Or perhaps currently vanilla but intrigued by the thought of spicing things up, maybe adding some sprinkles.

23- spicing up the action are vigors – basically super-powers – in the forms of potions scattered around Columbia .

24- spicing up the celebration this year will be an array of tabletop trees each decorated using a theme.

25- He put an iconoclastic, intellectual side into French music, spicing up a stew that was generally bland.

26- Aside from spicing up Love HKFilm.com ‘s Rotten Tomatoes page how would ratings benefit the site?

27- The pasta was well balanced between the sauce and the farfalle and did not require any extra spicing at the table.

28- There was, as a matter of course, a clever punster and an old joker, and no end of reminiscences with a strong spicing of the comic element in them.

29- As long as you stay in line with the rest of this advice, spicing up your work space will act as a mood-booster rather than distracting you.

30- Vegetarian meal was from Southern Indian region know as Udupi and was absolutely delicious, fresh flavours with layers of spicing rather than blow your mouth off heat.

31- According to Amazing Ribs , one of the most useful sites of the many I referenced, there are twelve distinct styles of barbecue saucing and spicing .

32- More of Georges’ fine work can be heard on the Rules Page and the Credit Cards Page . And I extend a personal ‘Thank-you’ to George for spicing up the pages at Player-Care for the Holiday Season.

33- If your love life needs some spicing up , having an adventure with your partner can be a lot easier than it seems.

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