spiciest in a sentence

Use ‘spiciest’ in a sentence | ‘spiciest’ example sentences

1- The chilies that are grown in this region are the spiciest .

2- spiciest food you’ve ever made?

3- This dish can be one of the spiciest of Thai curries.

4- The region has the spiciest food amongst all other Telugu and Indian cuisines.

5- I usually order the spiciest option on the menu , and house Cajun.

6- A lot of spices are produced in the region and hence the cuisine of Andhra Pradesh is considered spiciest of all.

7- Of the three sisters, Visa is the darkest, the spiciest , and the most oriental in its overall flavor.

8- The Chicken Jalfrezi was the hottest dish (the protein-based dish is normally the spiciest dish on the table, Vicky explained) but none was eye-wateringly hot.

9- The state being the leading producer of red chili, rice and millets in India influences the liberal use of spices – making the food one of the richest and spiciest in the world.

10- East Bengali food, which has a high presence in West Bengal, is much spicier than the West Bengali cuisine, and tends to use high amounts of Chilli, and is one of the spiciest cuisines in India and the World.

11- She had to eat a 2 -pound burrito filled with the world’s spiciest peppers and beat my time of 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

12- The heaviest falls have been on the Coromandel Peninsula , where up to 200 millimetres has fallen has … Molly Schuyler vs. Diablo Burrito ( WORLD’S spiciest BURRITO!

13- People on board a plane bound for Mexico City are convulsed with terror when the craft plummets – and confess their spiciest secrets .

14- ‘ Gertrude lowered her voice as she yielded up the spiciest morsel of her story.

15- : ) I ordered two pounds of crawfish done Cajun style done to their spiciest level.

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