sphincters in a sentence

Use ‘sphincters’ in a sentence | ‘sphincters’ example sentences

1- sphincters control the food and fluid movement between three regions.

2- These are men with sphincters of steel.

3- This investigation objectively documents the functional status of the sphincters .

4- Frequent stretching of sphincters by hard stool causing fissures.

5- Surgery is often required to prevent further damage to the anal sphincters .

6- These sphincters act to close the esophagus when food is not being swallowed.

7- Engineered anal sphincters grown from stem cells have been successfully implanted in mice.

8- Paralytic states of sphincters – involuntary stool and urination.

9- The external anal and urethral sphincters close the anus and the urethra.

10- Moreover, sphincters will relax spontaneously and urine and faeces will be evacuated.

11- The appearance is of a reddened, proboscis-like object through the anal sphincters .

12- It becomes overfilled, and urine dribbles through the sphincters (overflow incontinence).

13- She explains that the sphincters in the body don’t respond well to pressure or fear.

14- Both the external urethral and anal sphincters are the continuation of fibers from the pelvic floor muscle.

15- This procedure also allows the doctor to examine the sphincters and actually watch them open and close.

16- Later, the toxic effects cause the sphincters to relax, the anus and urethra stay open.

17- At rest the oesophagus is closed at both ends, by the upper and lower oesophageal sphincters .

18- Anorectal manometry records the pressure exerted by the anal sphincters and puborectalis during rest and during contraction.

19- The sphincters , ring-shaped muscles around passageways, control admission and elimination of substances from the body.

20- Thus it should not be assumed that older patients with ulcerative colitis have weaker sphincters than younger patients.

21- The intestine has valves or sphincters at either end to help control the movement of food through the body.

22- Obstetric injury may tear the anal sphincters , and some of these injuries may be occult (undetected).

23- Young children experience GERD and LPR due to the developmental immaturity of both the upper and lower esophageal sphincters .

24- The sphincters will open, and her baby will come out more easily, with less stress for all involved.

25- I have a 360 — the last Xbox I ‘ll own until MS pulls their head out of their sphincters .

26- High levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream do not favor (sometimes they actually prevent) the opening of the sphincters .

27- The patients who may benefit from SNS include those with intact anal sphincters and those with a history of unsuccessful anal repair.

28- If the prolapse becomes trapped externally outside the anal sphincters , it may become strangulated and there is a risk of perforation.

29- The muscles of the pelvis and anal sphincters have to relax at the right time to allow the stool to be expelled.

30- Her theory is based on the idea that the body has sphincters , and these sphincters can be shy and can NOT be forcefully opened.

31- Her theory is based on the idea that the body has sphincters, and these sphincters can be shy and can NOT be forcefully opened.

32- In summary – great heaviness and weakness of the limbs, congested head, face flushed, mottled, dusky red or purple, cold extremities, dazed and delirious, stuporose, with disturbances of sensations and paralysed sphincters coming on slowly.

33- Accounting for approximately 70% of cases, the tract in this fistula passes between the sphincters , with possible extension cephalad as a high blind intersphincteric tract.

34- If the muscles of the colon, sphincters , and pelvis do not contract in a coordinated way, the contents do not move smoothly, resulting in abdominal pain, cramps, constipation or diarrhea, and a sense of incomplete stool movement.

35- When the bladder fills, nerves send a message to the brain and you feel an urge to urinate, sphincters and pelvic floor muscles keep urine inside the bladder until you reach a toilet.

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