sphincter in a sentence

Use ‘sphincter’ in a sentence | ‘sphincter’ example sentences

1- The external sphincter is under voluntary control.

2- Stress incontinence is primarily due to weakened pelvic sphincter muscles.

3- The cervix is muscular sphincter between uterus and vagina.

4- No significant differences in sphincter pressure were noted.

5- This artificial sphincter keeps the anal canal closed.

6- The internal sphincter is not controlled consciously.

7- The lower sphincter helps to prevent reflux of acidic stomach content.

8- sphincters control the food and fluid movement between three regions.

9- This sphincter is very well developed in horses.

10- These are men with sphincters of steel.

11- The relaxation of the internal anal sphincter is an involuntary response.

12- The internal anal sphincter forms the walls of the anal canal.

13- The anal sphincter may also be stretched during the operation.

14- This investigation objectively documents the functional status of the sphincters .

15- sphincter function in rectal prolapse is almost always reduced.

16- The sphincter will be a little tighter.

17- I’m your sphincter muscle, okay?

18- She watched his sphincter muscle stretch, and then open.

19- It has not begun to spread into the sphincter muscle.

20- Frequent stretching of sphincters by hard stool causing fissures.

21- This is also termed artificial anal sphincter or neosphincter.

22- The individual values for resting sphincter pressure are shown in Figure 2.

23- Surgery is often required to prevent further damage to the anal sphincters .

24- Increased anal sphincter pressure may also be involved in hemorrhoid symptoms.

25- Found between the terminal rectum and coprodeum is a strong sphincter .

26- Lower oesophageal sphincter pressure was measured with the rapid pull through technique.

27- Your sphincter will work properly once you get in shape.

28- During HIFU the sphincter and bladder neck are identified and avoided.

29- Her pink sphincter dilated like the nozzle on an inflatable raft.

30- The compressed nerves may lead to rapid onset of muscle and sphincter weakness.

31- This contains the external sphincter which is comprised of striated muscle fibers.

32- The external anal sphincter was protected.

33- The sphincter of Oddi acts as a mechanical barrier.

34- Pharyngeal flap surgery is not better than sphincter palatoplasty.

35- He crumpled to the deck, his sphincter muscle giving out.

36- Get on this tiny board and throw yourself down hell’s own sphincter !

37- This is most likely a denervation injury to the external anal sphincter .

38- Opening of the upper esophageal sphincter is triggered by the swallow reflex.

39- These sphincters act to close the esophagus when food is not being swallowed.

40- An easily fatiguing sphincter may explain the severe urgency reported by our patients. Other than that, he suffers from spinal cord atrophy and loss of sphincter control, JPP said.

41- “The human ileocaecal junction: anatomical evidence of a sphincter“.

42- “A new implantation procedure of artificial sphincter for anal incontinence: the transvaginal approach”.

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