spheroids in a sentence

Use ‘spheroids’ in a sentence | ‘spheroids’ example sentences

1- The lymphoid organ might display spheroids , but is otherwise unremarkable.

2- Here are the dimensions for a few widely-used spheroids .

3- Most of these concretions are oblate spheroids shape.

4- Axonal swelling and spheroids have been observed in many different neurodegenerative diseases.

5- By scaling the dimensions linearly Archimedes easily extended the volume result to spheroids .

6- A low prevalence of ectopic spheroids can also be observed in some cases.

7- CD44 show increased expression in spheroids compared to 2D culture of MDA-MB 231.

8- In 1742, Colin Maclaurin discovered his uniformly rotating self-gravitating spheroids .

9- The melted portion turned into grain-size particles called spheroids that were spread even farther and wider.

10- The 4-6 pins weigh 1 kg, are about 9 cm tall and are oblate spheroids .

11- Only a small bit of the spheroids and bits of unmelted meteor have ever been found.

12- Of the twenty or more spheroids defined for the earth since 1800, several are still in use today.

13- Trichuris trichiura eggs are prolate spheroids , the shape of the balls used in Rugby and Gridiron football.

14- spheroids , specifically, which are protein aggregates of neuronal intermediate filaments, have been found in patients with ALS.

15- Histologically, these shrimp present focal active acute lesions and the onset of lymphoid organ spheroids (LOSs) development.

16- The Chicago Bridge and Iron Company have built many of the water spheres and spheroids found in the United States.

17- The CSCs grown as spheroids showed better growth rate, which showed the efficacy of 3D spheroid format for CSCs culture.

18- More fun, for M&M candies (which are oblate spheroids , with one diameter longer than the other) the packing fraction is 0.665.

19- Usually, the studies are conducted with either spheres or oblate spheroids , not clowns, and results are quoted as a packing fraction.

20- Taking their lead from the ‘gee-whizzers’ of American journalism, a more colourful, gossipy style of writing took over from the rather self-consciously poetic late Victorian style with its ‘hapless custodians’ and ‘leather spheroids ‘.

21- It was once thought that ellipticals were oblate spheroids – shaped like a hamburger bun–and that they kept this shape because they were slowly rotating.

22- Eshelby (1957) for spheres, and Kröner (1958) for spheroids . (c) The self-consistent and problem Consider two phases, the inclusion and the matrix, with constants &formula; respectively.

23- Differences in growth rates and saturation sizes of up to a factor of 500 were found in tumor spheroids cultured in media with different oxygen levels and glucose concentrations 6 . Thus deviations from West’s Law depend on particular environmental conditions.

24- Partitioning may have begun from cell-like spheroids formed by proteinoids , which are observed by heating amino acids with phosphoric acid as a catalyst.

25- He employed particles, which would be of varying geometric shape; spheres, discs, ellipsoids and prolate or oblate spheroids , and would be either isolated or set in a repeating pattern as part of an array configuration.

26- Eight among them are rams with spheroids , of which five are associated with human figures (Aïn Naga, Daïet es Stel, Oued el Hesbaïa, Saouiet).

27- These may be of different shape (e.g., platelets, fibers, spheroids ), but at least one dimension must be in the range of 1–50 nm.

28- It was thought that most probably non-spherical raindrops produced one or both bows, with surface tension forces keeping small raindrops spherical, while large drops were flattened by air resistance; or that they might even oscillate between flattened and elongated spheroids .

29- The monolayer of CSCs grown as spheroids showed better growth rate than the MDA-MB 231 cells, which shows the efficacy of 3D spheroid format of growing CSCs.

30- The structure consists of tungsten oxide spheroids of several 100 micrometer size which are coated with a few nanometer thin iron oxide layer.

31- Peripherin has been found in such spheroids in conjunction with other neurofilaments in other neuronal diseases, thus suggesting that peripherin may play a role in ALS pathogenesis.

32- They are easy to open and close, so that cell spheroids can be removed for testing, yet the chamber is able to maintain 100% humidity throughout.

33- It is possible to manipulate gradients of soluble molecules, and to characterize cells in these complex gradients more effectively than conventional 3D cultures based on hydrogels, cell spheroids , or 3D perfusion reactors.

34- Due to their lower aspect ratio, spheroids are relatively short and far from one another, and have a lower cross section vis-a-vis a propagating crack or phonon.

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