spheroid in a sentence

Use ‘spheroid’ in a sentence | ‘spheroid’ example sentences

1- The datum specifies the sphere or spheroid .

2- The second defines a spheroid symmetric about the z axis.

3- Evolution is a fact as sure as the planets are spheroid .

4- The lymphoid organ might display spheroids , but is otherwise unremarkable.

5- If necessary, an oblate spheroid can provide a better approximation.

6- Here are the dimensions for a few widely-used spheroids .

7- ID number of the ellipsoid ( spheroid ).

8- The terms ellipsoid and oblate spheroid are used interchangeably in geodesy.

9- Most of these concretions are oblate spheroids shape.

10- Axonal swelling and spheroids have been observed in many different neurodegenerative diseases.

11- During the course of this he becomes an android spheroid Zeroid.

12- Therefore, coordinate systems are applied to the simpler model of a spheroid .

13- By scaling the dimensions linearly Archimedes easily extended the volume result to spheroids .

14- Grapes are typically an ellipsoid shape resembling a prolate spheroid .

15- A low prevalence of ectopic spheroids can also be observed in some cases.

16- CD44 show increased expression in spheroids compared to 2D culture of MDA-MB 231.

17- In 1742, Colin Maclaurin discovered his uniformly rotating self-gravitating spheroids .

18- Slightly taller than the Union Watersphere, it is also a spheroid .

19- This is due to the Earth being an oblate spheroid rather than a perfect sphere.

20- Where Leeuwenhoek described “small spheroid globules”, they observed yeast cells undergo cell division.

21- Prior to 1843, there is some evidence that the Walbeck 1819 spheroid was employed.

22- The melted portion turned into grain-size particles called spheroids that were spread even farther and wider.

23- The 4-6 pins weigh 1 kg, are about 9 cm tall and are oblate spheroids .

24- The geoid’s center of mass does not align with the center of the spheroid .

25- In three dimensions, the nebula is thought to be shaped like a prolate spheroid .

26- The dimensions of a spheroid .

27- Only a small bit of the spheroids and bits of unmelted meteor have ever been found.

28- However photographs of the Erwin water tower revealed the new tower to be a water spheroid .

29- A PCS is always based on a GCS that is based on a sphere or spheroid .

30- Prior to 1930 the shape of the football was a prominent oval shape called a prolate spheroid .

31- The modern value, for the WGS 84 reference spheroid , is m or “lignes”.

32- Latitude and Longitude assume that the earth is a big ball and defined as a spheroid .

33- As with the origin, this azimuth measurement is preserved from the geoid to the spheroid .

34- The drawback is that in other areas the geoid and the spheroid will not match up.

35- Vesta has compression fractures encircling a radius-size crater at its south pole but is otherwise a spheroid .

36- The effect is even more evident under a vaulted roof shaped as a section of a prolate spheroid .

37- In this work, Laplace completely determined the attraction of a spheroid on a particle outside it.

38- To get the mathematical convenience of a spheroid , you have to give up some positional accuracy.

39- Of the twenty or more spheroids defined for the earth since 1800, several are still in use today.

40- Trichuris trichiura eggs are prolate spheroids , the shape of the balls used in Rugby and Gridiron football. The presence of ‘foamy’, ‘spheroid’, or ‘cytoid’ bodies in affected neuronal tissues has been noted but what they are and their origin remains somewhat unclear.

41- “A kinematically selected, metal-poor spheroid in the outskirts of M31″.

42- Moons massive enough for their surfaces to have collapsed into a spheroid are highlighted in bold.

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