spherically in a sentence

Use ‘spherically’ in a sentence | ‘spherically’ example sentences

1- Typical lens elements have spherically curved surfaces.

2- There are only radial modes and the shape is spherically symmetric.

3- This is the solution for empty space outside a spherically symmetric mass distribution.

4- We can assume that a supernova expands in a spherically symmetric manner.

5- About one-fifth are roughly spherical, but the majority are not spherically symmetric.

6- The net gravitational force due to a spherically symmetrical planet is zero at the center.

7- Geometrically, this corresponds to a “fitness landscape” that is spherically symmetric.

8- This suggests that the spatial separation of nearby points in a spherically symmetric space is .

9- Rowland also developed a technique to make spherically concave gratings which were self-focusing.

10- Formulate a quiet entropy hypothermia, disrupted spherically or on patients mismated day.

11- One situation is of particular interest: the empty space-time around a spherically symmetric mass distribution.

12- In this expression the neutrino speed has been spherically decomposed by using the standard spherical harmonics.

13- But you’ve recommended me and I spherically want to go and get lessons.

14- The Schwarzschild solution, which describes spacetime surrounding a spherically symmetric non-rotating uncharged massive object.

15- Finally, consider the transformation between frames momentarily coincident in velocity near a massive spherically symmetric body.

16- On the other hand, modal solutions are well known and numerically cheap in spherically symmetric models.

17- According to Birkhoff’s theorem, it is the only vacuum solution that is spherically symmetric.

18- In a multi-component disordered solid like soda-lime-silica glass a single spherically averaged diffraction pattern is quite inadequate.

19- Then the curvature of geodesic surfaces in space-time around a spherically symmetric mass distribution are calculated or inferred.

20- In general, the cores are not spherically shaped, with aspect ratios ranging from 1.1 to 4.4.

21- These were spherically moulded from ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU).

22- Its acts as a tube that would eventually become spherically With sufficient distance besides the leading edge is convex.

23- Only about 20% of planetary nebulae are spherically symmetric (for example, see Abell 39).

24- In general the dispersion relation __FORMULA__ is not spherically symmetric and in many cases it isn’t continuously rising either.

25- Such an interaction acts through any departure from a spherically symmetrical mass distribution, and will itself cause such departures.

26- They have a nearly spherically symmetric distribution, while the density of stars decreases with increasing distance from the core.

27- The dispersion relation is a spherically symmetric parabola and it is continuously rising so the DOS can be calculated easily.

28- Within these regions, the potential experienced by an electron is approximated to be spherically symmetric about the given nucleus.

29- The scheme sketched so far “only” applies to “monotonically rising” and ” spherically symmetric” dispersion relations.

30- Of the lenses here, the Sigma has both excellent wide-open sharpness and smooth bokeh ( spherically UNDER-corrected distally).

31- Consider the famous Schwarzschild vacuum that models spacetime outside an isolated nonspinning spherically symmetric massive object, such as a star.

32- The front acts like a piston that pushes against and compresses the surrounding medium to make a spherically expanding shock wave.

33- The Schwarzschild metric describes the spacetime around a spherically symmetric body, such as a planet, or a black hole.

34- To summarize, if “H” is rotationally-invariant ( spherically symmetric), then total angular momentum J is conserved.

35- Would scanning spherically , at Lagrange points make a differe So far the objects which we missed have been mostly harmless .

36- The density of a spherically symmetric wind at radius r is where is mass flow rate and is the local wind velocity.

37- This nearly spherically symmetrical mass distribution helps explain why the synchronous rotation of Mercury is only partial (compare section 4.2).

38- These are probably “light echoes” caused by a spherically spreading shell of radiation moving out at the speed of light.

39- In Appendix D Einstein’s equation is applied to the region outside a spherically symmetric mass distribution, yielding the Schwarzschild metric.

40- In the simplest model, the atomic orbitals of hydrogen-like ions are solutions to the Schrödinger equation in a spherically symmetric potential. The space shuttle was struck by a large, spherically-shaped object.

41- Majaess, Turner Lane 2007, pp. 1349 60 Morphology Only about 20% of planetary nebulae are spherically symmetric (for example, see Abell 39 ).

42- Usually such windows are flat rather than spherically dished.

43- Epicentral distance During an earthquake seismic waves propagate spherically out from the hypocenter.

44- Microscopic images of the soil taken by Opportunity revealed small spherically shaped granules.

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