sphagnum in a sentence

Use ‘sphagnum’ in a sentence | ‘sphagnum’ example sentences

1- Within the summit forest is a sphagnum bog.

2- Mix about 5% sphagnum peat moss with the material.

3- Stuff the frame by packing the wet sphagnum very tightly.

4- Soak the sphagnum moss until completely saturated.

5- Stuffing dried sphagnum moss in doorway for insulation.

6- I am not sure if it sphagnum moss or not.

7- Directions The great thing about sphagnum topiary is the results are quick.

8- You can use a coffee filter or sphagnum moss for this .

9- Wrap plastic or foil around the sphagnum moss and tie in place.

10- sphagnum moss (undyed) and newspaper make good substrates.

11- Without the camouflage of pondweed and sphagnum moss he was unrecognizable.

12- Surround the wound with wet unmilled sphagnum moss.

13- There is a mats of sphagnum over parts of the bogs.

14- The ditches will rapidly fill with vegetation and sphagnum species will colonise.

15- You can make your own by mixing shredded sphagnum peat with vermiculite.

16- There is an opportunity to walk on a floating mat of sphagnum moss.

17- The most important builders of peat are the ” sphagnum ” bog mosses.

18- Certain species of sphagnum and the acid-loving bulbous rush may become abundant.

19- Most soils derived from sphagnum mosses are Fibrisols.

20- Individual plants or more long are common in ” sphagnum ” species for example.

21- Peat biomass, sphagnum biomass, biofuel, fossil. 6.

22- Often known as peat moss because it is from sphagnum or sedge peat.

23- sphagnum auriculatum bog pools (Lewis, north and south Harris).

24- Dress with hormone powder and wedge open with a pad of damp sphagnum moss.

25- Wetlands and bogs are filled with spongy sphagnum , or peat moss.

26- The red wigglers are fine with the sphagnum peat however do not require it.

27- Some sphagnum mosses can absorb up to 20 times their own weight in water.

28- In addition, sphagnum topiaries are also much quicker to produce than shrub topiaries.

29- Typical species include abundant sphagnum mosses, along with bog asphodel and sundews.

30- Characteristic bog plants include sphagnum mosses, cotton grass and cross-leaved heath.

31- The leaves of ” sphagnum ” have large dead cells alternating with living photosynthetic cells.

32- sphagnum sub-community, also known as the Juncus squarrosus bog.

33- A second method involves placing the graft stick bundles in slightly moist sphagnum or wood shavings.

34- Magnolia virginiana L, Smilax laurifolia L. and sphagnum sp.

35- Contrary to what many believe, the Okefenokee is not a sphagnum moss bog.

36- Natural pools within the sphagnum lawns should be left unmanaged and not cleared or deepened.

37- The cut is wrapped in sphagnum moss that has been soaked in water and wrung out.

38- Wrap the wound with sphagnum moss or soil, and cover it with plastic wrap.

39- The sphagnum peat held the water which eventually drained towards the bottom layers making them too wet.

40- If it is sphagnum moss, it should still be springy and retain its original form. sphagnum angustifolium is a species of peat moss with a Holarctic distribution.

41- Sedges and rushes grew on the lakeshore, waterlilies and sphagnum moss in the lakes.

42- The removal of sphagnum moss in a managed environment does not cause a swamp to dry out.

43- sphagnum russowii is a species of peat moss with a Holarctic distribution.

44- sphagnum mosses then colonised the area causing a change from fen to bog peat which became elevated forming a dome, the raised bog.

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