spews in a sentence

Use ‘spews’ in a sentence | ‘spews’ example sentences

1- It rapidly ” spews forth” insults until told to stop.

2- And when their stand spews hatred it really gets my goat.

3- The coal spews out toxic columns of mer .

4- His website spews pamphlets and books decrying Darwin .

5- Seem like it spews oil at speeds above 100.

6- Burning it spews particulate pollution and toxins like mercury and sulfur dioxide.

7- Some scholars prefer to read , indicating that he spews out seaweed.

8- Their lips are what spews the poisonous mindset that so many live by.

9- Smoke spews from the crash site.

10- My R-Type spews out a ton of heat from the back .

11- And he can not quite control the way he spews forth crumbs.

12- And selling ads against those search results spews out a truly epic stream of revenue .

13- The possessed child-monster spews yellowish slime onto Merrin’s face.

14- This is a woman who believes everything the right wing press spews out is true.

15- Hydrothermal vents are fissures in the seafloor where geologically heated water spews forth .

16- And then in his manufactured casualness he spews scripted misinformation at a machinegun pace.

17- There seems to have been a bit too much yoghurt ( Biggles spews Again?

18- The Orchids play rock that erupts from emotional depths but spews like a light show.

19- And man’s ego is like a snake which spews poison like a fountain at you.

20- Google Poetics is a Tumblr of all the wonderful stanzas Google ‘s algorithm spews out.

21- Raw sewage still spews into the river during severe storms – including almost 4 million gallons in December .

22- Spam Prevention Early Warning System ( spews ) is a common target of these criticisms.

23- The snow machine costs £70 to hire and £15 for every five litres it spews out.

24- Just another republican , spews hate and lies and then tells you how you are the problem.

25- It’s then his turn to come and he spews his seed all over her boobs.

26- I think it ‘s amazing and the ephemera that spews from it is nothing less than exquisite.

27- Only a narrow girdle surrounds the planet — protected by a pipeline that spews a chemical called FOX .

28- Water is pumped up into the ‘mask’ and spews from the mouth into a pool below.

29- Which is not the role of the passive spectator who memorizes facts and figures and spews them back.

30- Not every developer spews hot air, so I think the conclusion that devs can’t win is incorrect.

31- Collecting a certain number of gold bricks unlocks free rewards, such as a spigot that spews out studs.

32- After zapping it, Ash’s disembodied head gurgles back in a tinny voice and spews whitish drool.

33- A coronal mass ejection is an enormous sun eruption of super-hot plasma that spews charged particles across the solar system.

34- Image: A snow-covered Popocatepetl volcano spews a cloud of steam into the air in Puebla, Mexico.

35- The sun constantly spews out radiation and charged particles , which rush outward through interplanetary space in our solar system.

36- As part of thrash-metal band GWAR, Vulvatron fights dinosaurs and spews blood from her areolas on the daily.

37- Shiva catches all the poison in his mouth and takes it out to the universe and spews it out.

38- And yeah like I said, the jerk that spews that pile of filth is an advantageous, egotistical pedophile.

39- When a volcano erupts, it spews out lava, ashes, and hot gases from deep inside the Earth.

40- Guatemala’s Famed Fuego Volcano Erupts Guatemalan authorities on standby as the famed Fuego volcano spews lava and ash. 27007Agricultural burning also spews huge amounts of particulates into the air.

41- There was no contact information published on the spews Web site.

42- spews listed addresses belonging to spam-support operations, under the hypothesis that such addresses were more likely to send spam in the future.

43- Seemingly unstoppable, the dracolich gives the heroes a hellacious fight, but is finally defeated when Entreri’s enchanted dragon statue spews dragon flame upon it.

44- There is a conveyor belt behind them that spews metal balls at them.

45- ” Meanwhile Pryce described her opponent as a “far left fringe Democrat” and said that Kilroy “spews lies and misinformation.

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