spewing in a sentence

Use ‘spewing’ in a sentence | ‘spewing’ example sentences

1- Ask for proof if someone is spewing numbers.

2- He substituted opinion spewing for reporting a long time ago.

3- I would recommend not living near a lava spewing volcano .

4- What are their real motives for spewing this nonsense?

5- He went about spewing forth the most overwhelming evil.

6- Now you are just spewing rubbish about horse power .

7- Who is this crazy Christian Nationalist hate spewing speaker ?

8- This great star went super nova spewing elements throughout the Universe.

9- Quit spewing your crap to the masses .

10- Get your facts right before spewing these incorrect and thoroughly dishonest allegations .

11- You’re an idiot for spewing that garbage.

12- You need to do some reading before spewing american shite propaganda .

13- Volcanoes were abundant, spewing ash and lava.

14- A slippery , deceptive, propaganda spewing ideologue.

15- They paced the stage, spewing out unintelligible lyrics.

16- Hannity usually spewing BS and calling them facts without any proof .

17- spewing the gov’t line demeans you.

18- It was active for 500 years and just quit spewing 2 years ago!

19- Insomnia all spewing measurements and startling uses for copyright are best avoided.

20- Attacking brands when they are spewing bullshit IS my style .

21- Poor Waltie, spewing bile to the very bitter end.

22- It began spewing flares early 2011.

23- That meant I had to hear all the propaganda NBC was spewing .

24- The harpy rides are tiny moments of violent, blood spewing hilarity.

25- What’s the Register’s motivation for spewing asinine ignorance?

26- Always out spewing lies and using lousey deflections .

27- Its belly tank, torn loose, skidded forward, spewing flaming fuel.

28- The US Federal Reserve is a money- spewing monster.

29- Or at least keep spewing awful stereotypes about the land of Dingos.

30- They were spewing reddish-brown liquid into the air and onto the soil.

31- He is a Radical spewing his Radical Rhetoric .

32- Do me a favor and actually research a topic before spewing your hatred .

33- But the blood now fairly spewing .

34- Europe’s highest active volcano, Mount Etna has begun spewing lava again.

35- They can however redirect you to their anti-piracy , propaganda spewing website.

36- Eventually, the bacteria burst, spewing the dangerous zombie virus all over.

37- All that cool-aid you are spewing about republicans is simply NOT TRUE .

38- Still spewing out the standard Israeli historical fabrications to justify War Crimes .

39- spewing the heat back to space .

40- I see salsa is back spewing the same old La Raza approved comments . They aren’t that big anymore, and they aren’t spewing lava all over the Earth.

41- The nucleus is deliberately overexposed to reveal jets of material spewing from the comet.

42- This was in Ibaraki Prefecture, just north of Tokyo, in a sample of rice from the city of Hokota, about 100 miles south of the radiation-spewing nuclear plant.

43- Cacus attacked Heracles by spewing fire and smoke, while Heracles responded with tree branches and rocks the size of millstones.

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