spewed in a sentence

Use ‘spewed’ in a sentence | ‘spewed’ example sentences

1- Lots of passion gets spewed during ” debate” about abortion.

2- My pollutants spewed per mile are lower than a petrol engine .

3- The anger spewed towards him from the left has been fascinating.

4- Everything spewed from his mouth is a utter lie.

5- The anger is spewed forth while the guitar rages.

6- Such nonsense might seem ridiculous but is spewed forth in deadly earnest .

7- The column spewed from their marching formation into the bush.

8- From the teeth spewed a saliva that turned into venom.

9- The dirt spewed onto Joe ‘s windshield and covered it.

10- Feel as if I had been eaten and spewed .

11- The sloping hills were soaked with blood; the sea spewed gore.

12- Smoke spewed into the skies over Cairo .

13- Blood spewed all over and he fell.

14- The battered cock spewed CUM for 15 seconds.

15- It is amazing all of the hate spewed toward President Obama .

16- But most of the venom here is spewed on the family.

17- Merapi spewed hot clouds in the afternoon.

18- Libbers spewed out choice words of hate.

19- The coal driven train spewed black smoke which covered everything, including us.

20- Didn’t get much done actually after you spewed on me.

21- Hell has spewed me out like a repentant sinner.

22- They spewed venom about us as their only revenge and recourse.

23- Subsequent American and Soviet tests spewed poisonous radioactive waste into the atmosphere.

24- Wouldn’t know as he spewed on me.

25- I told you he spewed up on Sandra didn’t I?

26- White managers at the company frequently spewed racial slurs, legal filings allege.

27- Butthe child child musical tone spewed in growthjust frustrating chargedthis.

28- The sea is cleft asunder; the ebbing waters spewed up sand.

29- Here, a fourth reminder of something spewed out from a computer.

30- This grotesque nonsense was spewed on an anti-imperialist platform of all places!

31- Absolutely, pseudo religious cut-rate lobotomies are spewed forth towards innocent minds.

32- And yes , there are times when enough is enough and words are spewed .

33- When he spewed on me he sort of give it away though.

34- The US founding fathers would blanch at reading what you just spewed .

35- Edwards ‘ car sailed into the fence and spewed debris into the stands.

36- Each time I was amazed and disgusted at the vile garbage he spewed .

37- I was angry for the personal attack she spewed earler which MM deleted.

38- The Creature mostly gargled and often spewed water even when he slept.

39- It is utter nonsense spewed by leftist politicians trying to disguise their radical social agenda.

40- Several million barrels of oil rather being put to productive spewed into the Gulf. The Deepwater Horizon disaster killed 11 rig workers and spewed millions of gallons of crude.

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