spew in a sentence

Use ‘spew’ in a sentence | ‘spew’ example sentences

1- It rapidly ” spews forth” insults until told to stop.

2- The hull bursts apart and great tentacles of vegetation spew forth.

3- Lots of passion gets spewed during ” debate” about abortion.

4- My pollutants spewed per mile are lower than a petrol engine .

5- We dont care what fake government information you spew .

6- Ask for proof if someone is spewing numbers.

7- The anger spewed towards him from the left has been fascinating.

8- He substituted opinion spewing for reporting a long time ago.

9- I would recommend not living near a lava spewing volcano .

10- Again with the low info spew that is completely untrue .

11- What are their real motives for spewing this nonsense?

12- Everything spewed from his mouth is a utter lie.

13- He went about spewing forth the most overwhelming evil.

14- You spew out an allegation against a public servant.

15- You always spew out venom in form of words .

16- Now you are just spewing rubbish about horse power .

17- The anger is spewed forth while the guitar rages.

18- Who is this crazy Christian Nationalist hate spewing speaker ?

19- Such nonsense might seem ridiculous but is spewed forth in deadly earnest .

20- And spew out mud, ice and death.

21- Please don’t spew this hatred propaganda here.

22- This great star went super nova spewing elements throughout the Universe.

23- Quit spewing your crap to the masses .

24- And when their stand spews hatred it really gets my goat.

25- Typical of low information voters who know nothing but spew nonsense .

26- People who care about women don’t spew rape apology.

27- Two dolphins spew water into the bowl for her bath.

28- The column spewed from their marching formation into the bush.

29- From the teeth spewed a saliva that turned into venom.

30- The dirt spewed onto Joe ‘s windshield and covered it.

31- Feel as if I had been eaten and spewed .

32- A host of excuses spew out of them instead .

33- The sloping hills were soaked with blood; the sea spewed gore.

34- Get your facts right before spewing these incorrect and thoroughly dishonest allegations .

35- You’re an idiot for spewing that garbage.

36- Coffee doesn’t spew out of a pot.

37- I am talking about, do you spew ?

38- You need to do some reading before spewing american shite propaganda .

39- Smoke spewed into the skies over Cairo . I mean, there’s one thing to just spew invectives and spew rhetoric out there.

40- Takata inflators can blow apart a metal canister and spew shrapnel into drivers and passengers.

41- A Russian volcano which started erupting last week has continued to spew ash and smoke into the air.

42- Vasquez describes the production process for Johnny as a “mess” and a “spew“.

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