sperms in a sentence

Use ‘sperms’ in a sentence | ‘sperms’ example sentences

1- Our sperms or eggs each contain 23 chromosomes.

2- sperms value is very close to none.

3- These sperms are surgically removed and used for fertility treatment .

4- This premature ejaculation is one of the sperms .

5- In some cases, donated eggs or sperms may be used.

6- You must keep action to your method to want sperms .

7- Infertility develops if the sperms fail to reach the penis.

8- Flagellum in sperms also helps in the swimming movement.

9- A fertile male should have more than 39 million sperms in the semen.

10- Boy sperms are weak but fast.

11- CB1 is present on Leydig cells and human sperms .

12- For the snail genes the method of leaving is via snail sperms or eggs.

13- One of the sperms participates in fertilization, and the other dies.

14- So it ‘s a very tight helix that these sperms have been conducting.

15- They simply discharge their sperms and eggs into the water, where they fuse.

16- You might experience fertility problems if less than 40 percent of the sperms are motile.

17- There was an appreciable recovery in the motility of sperms in all recovery groups.

18- I’m in bed with my daughter.” Two sperms are swimming really hard.

19- Are Muslims very sure that sperms come forth between the hip bones and the ribs?

20- The getting sperms are forged out alongside with the other residues of the physiological method.

21- sperms are non-motile at this time.

22- In one such procedure , doctors look through a special microscope for sperms hiding inside testicles.

23- Fertility in men is primarily determined by the quality, quantity and motility of the sperms .

24- De novo mutations occur in eggs and sperms or at a very early stage of embryonic development.

25- Females produce eggs in summer, and draw in sperms with which the males flood the water.

26- From a blood enhancement of dysfunction also you have to grow is make more sperms and lots.

27- The channel is the thin stream of sperms , or eggs, which it manufactures by meiosis.

28- The production and survival of sperms require a temperature that is lower than the normal core body temperature.

29- The gametes ( sperms and ova) are produced in the swollen gonads, around the stomach.

30- The male bats remove the sperms left by other males that have mated earlier with the female bat .

31- In gymnosperms a pair of sperms forms as a result of the division of the generative cell.

32- This is competition between sperms to fertilise the egg ( only a single sperm achieves the union).

33- London : For the first time, scientists have grown sperms in a test-tube which are capabl.

34- One male ejaculate has millions of sperms and only one of them succeeds in fertilizing the female ovum.

35- sperms are produced in the testis within the seminiferous tubules ————————– (underlined word) what is that?

36- The sneakers then release their sperms on the spawning ground as soon as the paired female releases her eggs.

37- This is so because studies have shown that sperms take a while before being at their optimal performance level .

38- In some hymenoptera the male provides a huge quantity of sperms , enough for the female’s long life.

39- sperms are produced in the epididymis of the testes which are stored outside the human body called the scrotum. These hormones stop ovulation and thicken the cervical mucus, creating a barrier preventing sperms from fertilizing an egg.

40- The sperms are then used in intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

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