spermicides in a sentence

Use ‘spermicides’ in a sentence | ‘spermicides’ example sentences

1- Diaphragms and caps are often used in conjunction with spermicides .

2- Initially, expectations for existing over-the-counter spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 were great.

3- Barrier contraceptives Barrier contraceptives and spermicides are also suitable for the mature woman .

4- Some chemicals called spermicides can prevent pregnancy but they don’t prevent HIV.

5- Turmeric environmentally waists buffer spermicides and misfortunes that rekindle cancer.

6- All of these spermicides hear topical gauge modernists and may or may physiologically savor chronic.

7- Diaphragm with Spermicide spermicides containing N9 can irritate the vagina and rectum.

8- Use of spermicides or vaginal yeast products will not make NuvaRing less effective at preventing pregnancy.

9- The active ingredient in most spermicides is nonoxynol-9, which is not the gentlest substance.

10- Irritation (due to douches, spermicides , or latex in condoms) may also cause vaginismus.

11- Other methods such as condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides have higher first-year failure rates even with perfect usage.

12- But even then simple measures such as condoms, clean needles, bleach, and spermicides will be required.

13- The Act allows for the sale of condoms and spermicides without a prescription to people aged 18 and over.

14- The liberals had a victory in 1985, when it was made legal to buy condoms and spermicides without prescription.

15- Bioengineers at the University of Washington have developed a super fine cloth that slowly releases spermicides and anti-HIV drugs .

16- The effectiveness of spermicides , however, may be lower than believed since there are no studies to support this.

17- Longstanding techniques included the rhythm method, withdrawal, diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, condoms, prolonged breastfeeding, and spermicides .

18- spermicides can cause an inflammation in some people and you should avoid their use if you do experience a reaction.

19- For this reason, some advocate use of lactic acid or lemon juice based spermicides , which might have fewer side effects.

20- Some women develop vaginitis following the use of vaginal sprays, perfumed soap, scented detergents and spermicides that contain nonoxynol-9.

21- These days there may be a reaction to the chemicals in some of the modern spermicides and vaginal products on the market.

22- spermicides inactivate sperm.

23- To do this, we grouped methods into four categories of descending effectiveness: male and female sterilization; IUDs, injectables and the pill; condoms, diaphragms and spermicides ; and rhythm, periodic abstinence, withdrawal and other traditional methods.

24- The disinfectant is found in an array of products including skin cleansers and face creams, spermicides , and some disinfectant products, noted Business Week, citing Fleming.

25- With either option 1 or 2, you should use another birth control method such as male condoms with spermicides until the new NuvaRing has been used for 7 days in a row.

26- In the Punjab in India, too, the birth rate went up after spermicides were introduced because people abandoned their traditional forms of birth control and then failed to use the unpleasant pessaries.

27- Available contraception methods include use of birth control pills, a condom, intrauterine device, contraceptive implant, diaphragms, spermicides , or sterilization.

28- In order to increase the effectiveness of them, spermicides should be used with other barrier forms of birth control (condoms, diaphragms, cervical cap, etc.).

29- Prohibited acts with contraceptive effect include sterilization, condoms and other barrier methods, spermicides , coitus interruptus (withdrawal method), the Pill, and all other such methods.

30- Although these alternative spermicides have been shown to immobilize sperm in the laboratory, their effect on pregnancy rates in humans has never been studied.

31- spermicides such as nonoxynol-9 have been shown in laboratory tests to kill HIV, though on their own spermicides are not sufficient to prevent the transmission of HIV – a condom is necessary.

32- spermicides such as nonoxynol-9 have been shown in laboratory tests to kill HIV, though on their own spermicides are not sufficient to prevent the transmission of HIV – a condom is necessary.

33- The effectiveness of diaphragms and caps , when used correctly and consistently with spermicides at preventing pregnancy, is between 92% and 96%.

34- Most of the fertility decline was achieved with coitus interruptus and the use of contraceptive vaginal sponges with spermicides such as vinegar, alum, or lemon, together with illegal abortion, whose practitioners were known to every working-class street.

35- Written knowledge of contraception and abortion, some of it potentially effective like coitus interruptus and vaginal sponges and spermicides , goes back at least two millennia (Himes 1936, McLaren 1990). spermicides are unscented, clear, unflavored, non-staining, and lubricative.

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