spendthrifts in a sentence

Use ‘spendthrifts’ in a sentence | ‘spendthrifts’ example sentences

1- spendthrifts are why credit card companies make money.

2- It is a very useful app especially for spendthrifts .

3- Color psychology plays an important role in the behavior of spendthrifts .

4- More often than not, spendthrifts disregard the price tag.

5- spendthrifts are not regulated by a premeditated budget or spending plan.

6- spendthrifts experience price blindness, or a favorable high-price bias.

7- spendthrifts do not anticipate spending pain.

8- spendthrifts experience no buyer’s remorse.

9- In keeping with the emotional power of spendthrifts , keep your visual marketing high.

10- In fact, defense hawks and spendthrifts alike would criticize it if it did not.

11- In some cases, spendthrifts equate a higher price point with a better product or service.

12- Since spendthrifts don’t experience buyer’s remorse, they don’t anticipate the remorse, either.

13- Maybe not in the USA , but Americans are spendthrifts , so they’re not a good model.

14- They were not, as they were reputed to be, spendthrifts , but were economical, hospitable and kind.

15- The Daily Telegraph joined in, fulminating against the welfare state’s profligate fanatics, spendthrifts of the taxpayer’s money.

16- Although most Tillers were spendthrifts and never had a ha’penny or cent to their names, Florence was a financial wizard.

17- These foolish spendthrifts hurtled, flashed and exploded on a clear black sky, crashed their limos into trees, were sensationally naïve.

18- The Pru says that Britain is becoming a nation of spendthrifts with less than £5 in every £100 of disposable income being saved last year -the lowest level for 30 years – and is encouraging people to save the extra cash.

19- Music was a cheap sideline for the manufacturer, but what those Midwestern spendthrifts lacked in sonic quality, they made up for in quantity.

20- If they charge less than the market rate of interest, there is no amount of money which they might not lend, – if they charge more than that rate, none but spendthrifts and prodigals would be found to borrow of them.

21- If you have spendthrifts in your circle of friends, you may need to formulate a list of ready excuses to explain why you can’t go out with them all the time.

22- As a result, they not only rely on their husbands for financial support, but in the social realm are put at the same level as “children under age 12, mentally ill persons, and spendthrifts ,” (265).

23- Three times, including 1924 and 1932, Ritchie was a candidate for President of the United States, arguing that Presidents Coolidge and Hoover were hopeless spendthrifts .

24- The young population between the age group of 23–40 are major spendthrifts ; they also constitute the major part of the Indian population.

25- He first appeared as a statue in “Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories” 138 in the 1952 story “Statuesque spendthrifts ” by Carl Barks.

26- Four types were distinguished: born criminals (inborn delinquents), pathological liars, querulous persons, and Triebmenschen (persons driven by a basic compulsion, including vagabonds, spendthrifts , and dipsomaniacs).

27- However , a dearth of men doesn’t make women spendthrifts , but believing men are plentiful does trigger women to believe men … more ” Related News “What we see in other animals is that when females are scarce, males become more competitive.

28- Labour are spendthrifts by instinct, imposers of crippling taxes by necessity and blissfully unconcerned about causing high inflation, uncontrollable cost of living and economic chaos.

29- It begins to seem as if it was all one big plan to remove funds from the prudent to the spendthrifts ( the 1% excluded obviously).

30- The great majority of U.S. spending is claimed to promote ” fairness,” while critics have argued that it is immoral for Baby Boomers – the group mainly responsible for electing political spendthrifts – to heap devastating debt on their children and grandchildren.

31- Americans are far behind where they should be when it comes to retirement savings , financial planners say, and everyone knows it’s because U.S. consumers are the world’s biggest spendthrifts and debt holders.

32- Featherbedding , coddling and welfare handouts – that’s what’s ruining the country and we should come down hard on the spendthrifts who pretended to be working while robbing their nice employers blind.

33- For example, if a small amount of effort could produce more revenue from spendthrifts , then it would also make sense to create a marketing plan that addresses these buyers.

34- spendthrifts – “I’m going to spend all the money I possibly can, and then some!”

35- ” They all say, … A new study purports to find that scarcity of women turns dudes into spendthrifts .

36- () Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful.

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