spendthrift in a sentence

Use ‘spendthrift’ in a sentence | ‘spendthrift’ example sentences

1- Very few controlling factors influence the spendthrift spending patterns.

2- spendthrifts are why credit card companies make money.

3- His great plan did little to curb the spendthrift state.

4- Such a trust is sometimes called a spendthrift trust.

5- It is a very useful app especially for spendthrifts .

6- Parker had acquired a reputation as a notorious spendthrift .

7- Meanwhile our spendthrift government sinks further into debt by the second.

8- Color psychology plays an important role in the behavior of spendthrifts .

9- More often than not, spendthrifts disregard the price tag.

10- Mozart’s financial situation worsens due to his spendthrift lifestyle.

11- The government’s spendthrift nature infects individual behaviour right across the country.

12- Ricardo is a debt-ridden spendthrift and great ladies man.

13- Just quit voting for the spendthrift lefties .

14- Baelish ‘s talent is for keeping his spendthrift master in cash.

15- spendthrifts are not regulated by a premeditated budget or spending plan.

16- spendthrifts experience price blindness, or a favorable high-price bias.

17- He is a fatalist , spendthrift and a gambler.

18- spendthrift sold a filly and a colt early in the sale .

19- They will also be spendthrift and hedonistic.

20- He became a brainless prodigal– spendthrift alike of health and fortune.

21- The wealthy man considered them both and gave his money to the spendthrift .

22- spendthrifts do not anticipate spending pain.

23- spendthrifts experience no buyer’s remorse.

24- Lucille is a spendthrift and delights in spending all the money Billy makes.

25- Synonyms: sphinx, devil, angel, liar, spendthrift .

26- His father complied but not without rebuking his son for his spendthrift ways.

27- In keeping with the emotional power of spendthrifts , keep your visual marketing high.

28- He has clashed with Republican legislators, who have called him a spendthrift .

29- spendthrift : “Oh, gosh, look at that darling dress.

30- Nature is no spendthrift , but takes the shortest way to her ends.

31- Zaphod A lot can change , and the Avs are still pretty spendthrift .

32- But longtime owner Donald Sterling is a notorious spendthrift , to put it mildly.

33- Glister opposes the match because the spendthrift Gerardine has mortgaged his entire estate.

34- Scene II: Sir Peter complains of Lady Teazle’s spendthrift ways.

35- If you’re a die-hard saver, don’t marry a spendthrift .

36- Certainly not for a wasteful spendthrift , who preyed upon a gullible old woman!

37- In fact, defense hawks and spendthrifts alike would criticize it if it did not.

38- As became a good manager, he would put a stop to such spendthrift courses.

39- In some cases, spendthrifts equate a higher price point with a better product or service.

40- Indraneil Sengupta is Vijay, a big spendthrift whose only motto is to enjoy life. He clearly condemns some of his more spendthrift ancestors for selling family goods and hence giving away economic and political power.

41- The card carries a US$300 annual fee and offers an extensive menu of perks geared toward spendthrift travelers.

42- Joséphine was a renowned spendthrift and Barras may have encouraged the relationship with Général Bonaparte in order to get her off his hands.

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