spendings in a sentence

Use ‘spendings’ in a sentence | ‘spendings’ example sentences

1- Japan’s spendings on roads has been considered large.

2- Jut down your daily spendings in a small notebook.

3- In 2006, the average US household is expected to spend about $1,700 on Christmas and holiday spendings .

4- He became Arsenal’s third first team signing bringing the total money spent above the spendings of the previous season.

5- The figure below gives the spending on logistics in India: spendings on Logistics in India (in Rs.

6- Maintenance for this train was delayed by 2 years, symptomatic for the strategy to cut spendings in the Deutsche Bahn subsidiary.

7- He does not take an isolationist position, but rather suggests that the defense spendings should be restrained according to some yardstick.

8- My Advice to those young readers of this blog who are in the D and E socio-economic classification, Prioritise your spendings .

9- Pakistan and India need to drastically cut their current military spendings , otherwise there will be no real economic progress or friendly cross-border trade.

10- The N-VA suggested that the PS and the other Walloon parties were merely unwilling to part with the “pocket money federalism”, which refers to the distribution of financial means in Belgium where the regional governments are not accountable for their earnings or spendings .

11- During his years as viceroy, Kublai managed his territory well, boosted the agricultural output of Henan, and increased social welfare spendings after receiving Xi’an.

12- By 1939 large numbers of formerly unemployed people had been drafted into the army, while rising defence spendings (the budget tripled between 1936 and 1939) artificially revived several sectors of the economy.

13- In June 2012, to reduce the government spendings , Joyce Banda decided to sell her jet and a fleet of 60 luxury cars.

14- The finance commissions shall deliberate and recommend on all issues related to government spendings which are taken up by various law commissions earlier and of public topics with wide public attention.

15- This, in addition to Meisdalshagen’s discontent with increased spendings on defence, made him an oppositional figure within the Labour Party.

16- Against PNL nationalists, Carp proposed to tackle deficit spendings by contracting foreign loans, although he supported the gold standard as an extra precaution.

17- Several Liberal Party officials had also warned that they would enforce the new rules, which placed limits on donations and spendings by contenders, which would have nullified Stronach’s largest advantage over other potential rivals.

18- A personal accountant’s job is not to tell you what and what not to spend your money on; however, they are there to help guide you and your spendings based on financial goals you may have.

19- The government started crumbling when a bonus to independence war veterans was announced in 1997 (which was equal to 3 percent of GDP) followed by unexpected spendings due to Zimbabwe’s involvement in the Second Congo War in 1998.

20- GINGRICH: Look– look, the fact– we I don’t know but but he’s– he’s talking about replacing Obamacare, which is part of how he pays for his tax cuts as he cuts out all the spendings put into Obamacare.

21- To the left will be the statistics view , where you can view your spendings for the week, month, or year.

22- The beneficial effects of tax-haven status would undoubtedly attract more industry and jobs, while the wealth produced would help foreign exchange and increase VAT income on subsequent spendings .

23- Ringo loses 15 rings he bought with all of the Beatles’ spendings and

24- They might be more careful about their spendings and might prefer products with other characteristics, e.g. locally made, more durable, less risky etc.

25- For example, in 1940, Keynes advocated higher compulsory saving to avoid the inflation of the First World War. (Out of interest, Keynes supported the Beveridge welfare state, though encouraged Beveridge to delay higher pension spendings until contributions had been collected)

26- India has certain problems within it and so do Pakistan and comparing with Indian defense spendings and economy Pakistan creates problem for itself….

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