spenders in a sentence

Use ‘spenders’ in a sentence | ‘spenders’ example sentences

1- This while Canada was among the highest spenders .

2- A reputation for toughness inhibits would-be spenders .

3- Average spenders carefully consider value propositions, benefits, and features.

4- BIG spenders Leeds are poised to make another major capture.

5- The question to be asked is why are politicians such big spenders ?

6- The card offers Sainsbury’s vouchers to regular spenders .

7- Don’t hang out with big spenders .

8- Neither of the Sundays were extravagant spenders .

9- Average spenders have a rough idea of their budget.

10- Average spenders occasionally impulse buy or overbuy.

11- High Roller For the big spenders only.

12- Average spenders think about their decision for a while.

13- I don’t think we’re born savers or spenders .

14- The poorest spenders are football fans.

15- The largest spenders on Walker’s behalf seem to have been individuals.

16- The biggest presidential spenders since WW 2 were Reagan and George Bush.

17- Partly they were chronic big spenders .

18- In the House and the Senate , some spenders thought twice.

19- They ‘re big spenders , too.

20- Bush and Reagan were the all time great spenders of new growth .

21- Even the CATO institute called Bush the mother of all big spenders .

22- We have to be responsible spenders .

23- Local authorities like the Greater London Council were spenders on a massive scale.

24- Bhutan Best for : Big spenders .

25- The travel, entertainment and automotive industries are among the top spenders of mobile advertising.

26- I love the game and have seen the gameplay deteriorate while competitiveness favors big spenders .

27- The questions of campaign transparency hang over some of the election ‘s top spenders .

28- In other words, average spenders are able to look at a purchase rationally.

29- Meanwhile, the success rate of big spenders has been lower at the state level.

30- However, the most important spenders are clients who most frequently use London-based agencies.

31- After healthcare, the highest spenders in the UK were fuel, chemicals and electrical.

32- Many cards offer ongoing discounts and perks, which can benefit frequent customers and big spenders .

33- Or , target the low spenders and try to push them higher up the scale.

34- Three UK companies also feature in the top five international research spenders within the healthcare industry.

35- Two years ago, Visa found that the top prom spenders had household income under ,000.

36- One of the biggest spenders of the campaign was the party Ukraine – Forward!.

37- End of the big spenders .

38- The second loss came against big offseason spenders Toronto FC away from home at BMO Field.

39- Then, for the big spenders out there, there’s Savile Row….

40- The only thing they lack is the cocky image so well loved by the big spenders . The Biggest spenders at the Apple Store are 65+ The Wall Street Journal.

41- Sharp was among the Top 100 R&D spenders in a list published by the IEEE Spectrum magazine in 2002.

42- Under John Gregory the club had been one of the biggest spenders in the Premier League, but Gregory always wanted 2-3 more players.

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