speckling in a sentence

Use ‘speckling’ in a sentence | ‘speckling’ example sentences

1- The bill is black with a speckling of pale pink.

2- The black speckling on the back and flanks is consistent however.

3- Expect minor speckling and a little wavery framing on the left-hand side.

4- The eggs are elliptical, strong, and variably coloured with heavy speckling .

5- Some small, dark gray ” speckling ” may be present on the body.

6- There isn’t the faintest trace of wear, damage, or speckling .

7- Interestingly, I did see some of the same speckling in the same places.

8- There ‘s this fuzzy speckling you can get in low-fire, which I wanted.

9- Rain fell on the ground behind him, speckling his trousers with tiny flecks of mud.

10- That disc’s only notable flaw is some light speckling and minor damage on the film elements.

11- The base colour of the coat is white with differing coloured ticking also called flecks or speckling .

12- The head tends to be free of speckling however a distinct dark stripe through the eye is usually present.

13- Protoporphyrin speckling compensates for this, and increases inversely to the amount of calcium in the soil.

14- The imagery is overall quite pleasing almost completely free of speckling or other aberrations (note: almost).

15- It is dark or light olive above with dark cross-bands and speckling on the head, body and tail.

16- I was interested in this sort of speckling blush that they had , but then the blush took over.

17- It has a darker forehead and neck, with heavy speckling on the sides of the neck and the throat.

18- First , a light speckling of emails in my inbox, then a sudden flurry of tweets and Facebook messages.

19- The Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero has a deep brown colour on its upper side, often with a speckling of darker scales.

20- Plumage The Saker can vary from a dark brown to almost a cream color, but speckling through the breast and wings is typical.

21- The transfer’s source is a 35mm print in great shape, marred only by a little jittery framing and inconsequential speckling .

22- Some hairline scratches, speckling , and other signs of wear still remain, as well as skipping caused by missing frames, but most of the defects have been digitally removed, so the picture is seamless and remarkably clean for a film that had been so abused for three generations.

23- Some forms of laser rot could appear as black spots that looked like mold or burned plastic which cause the disc to skip and the movie to exhibit excessive speckling noise.

24- Teeth that have irregular features, such as discolorations, dark shading, mottling or speckling can be very challenging to match, but a good ceramist can often do it.

25- The film source elements also suffer from a lot of speckling that the studio (whichever one the master came from, presumably Studio Canal) has made no attempt to clean up.

26- These strong anamorphic 1.78:1 transfers look great, generally, though expect a sometimes surprising amount of grain and speckling (some dark scenes in the episode “The Coming of Shadows” are especially marred).

27- Colours are vibrant and accurate, and despite a little speckling , the overall standard is very good for a four-tank inkjet system.

28- In the US, Gravure Research Inc. commissioned Crosfield to develop equipment to stop ” speckling “, undesirable white flecks in shadow areas.

29- It also has patterned markings that range from light-colored speckling to complex marbled patterns, and some populations also have large black-ringed “eye” spots on their flanks.

30- While this speckling can be removed by noise-reduction software, either in-camera or on a computer, this can have a detrimental effect on image quality as fine detail may be lost in the process.

31- Andy and I went down by the river and the loch, clambering up the rocks upstream then back down, watching fish jump lazily out on the calm loch, or strike at the insects speckling those flat waters, jaws snapping underneath; dispatching, swallowing, leaving ripples.

32- The precocial chicks, which are very pale with black speckling , are brooded and fed by both parents, but may gather in crèches when older.

33- Their back and flanks are most commonly bluish-grey in colour, overlain with irregular black speckling , but this can be highly variable depending on the habitat specimens come from, and can range from almost white to light grey-green, light brown, dark brown or almost black.

34- Occasionally fine “ear stripes” may be present behind the opening of the auditory meatus, while dark or light speckling or streaking can occur along the flanks as well as what are called “tiger stripes” – “parallel, dark, usually vertical stripes”.

35- Sunglow (selectively bred amelanistic) another designer amelanistic corn that lacks the usual white speckling that often appears in most albinos, and selected for exceptionally bright ground color.

36- The forest dwellers tend to be darker and more uniform, whereas the steppe species are paler with more barring, speckling , or streaking.

37- The typical clutch is five or six eggs (rarely more than four in Malaysia), white to pale grey and heavily marked with spots, small blotches, or speckling ; they are 20 x 14 mm (0.8 x 0.6 in) in size and weigh 2.1 g (0.08 oz), of which 7% is shell.

38- A regular faint speckling and occasional splotch appears on a page as a result of the printing process, becoming a sort of cosmic dust that drifts about as the reader leafs from one million kilometers to the next.

39- The white petals spun down around them, covering the grass and speckling their fur, while thirty feet above a thrush sang” Cherry dew, cherry dew. The Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero has a deep brown colour on its upper side, often with a speckling of darker scales.

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