souped in a sentence

Use ‘souped’ in a sentence | ‘souped’ example sentences

1- The priciest media tablet is also the most souped up .

2- Speedster, classy, souped up … $125.

3- They have turned Glebe road into a raceway for young toughs in souped up cars.

4- But now we’d like to turn the souped up engine a little faster to extract more horsepower.

5- Multi-user login 4 … Google Nexus 5 souped up with Android KitKat, LTE, and low price.

6- The bottom line: Mashed, baked, or souped , potatoes represent warmth, simplicity and our grandparents love.

7- Haven’t souped the film yet but may have managed a few decent portraits during the quieter moments of the race.

8- A 20 gauge maverick with 18.5 vent rib barrel, souped up with an awesome elastic butt cuff with 3 extra rounds.

9- They don’t exactly have souped up Harleys or Vulcans, but they have brand names like Qlink, CarGo and Demark.

10- In sponsoring this motorsport equivalent to three-on-three basketball, Grand Rapids joins the ranks of such prestige cities as Detroit, Cleveland, Lexington, OH, and Lime Rock, CT in letting souped up hotrods roar past boarded-up businesses at 165 mph.

11- Q From Peter Coatman, Melbourne, Australia : I was reading an article the other day where the writer referred to something as having been souped up , and it struck me for the first time that this is a curious phrase.

12- Whilst it cannot help save plenty of electricity, it is known which a one who utilizes Directed grow lights can help to save 45 in order to 70 per cent in the souped up that you’d used along with other lights.

13- Does that mean that Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is saying that Bush Administration overstated the facts ( souped up?) and mislead the American people?

14- If somebody must have 200BHP then it would be better to buy a car that is designed to be a sports car rather than a shopping car souped up.

15- I have had an opportunity or two to demonstrate against these “ghosts” but have not found them to be souped up or more powerful than any other stock Farmall that has been carefully broken in and tuned up.

16- I resolved to sit and observe for a while; there was no way I could fight them; my powers are mostly souped up conjuring tricks, although I could count on getting away with my balloons.

17- Sure, I can buy a souped up PC for less than a Mac, but I’d have to run Windows on it.

18- Not many college students can survive these days without their own computer, but do you need to put out the big money for a souped up version, or can you make it on the stripped down model?

19- Knowing that a well prepared flathead will produce 120 psi BMEP, we can predict what the souped up Kohler will make in horsepower potential.

20- You drive a souped up honda or maybe an older infiniti, with sick rims and dark windows, and go to cool clubs where you sip on kamikazes or a black and tan.

21- The Tinuom Festival is a celebration of the town’s history and its popularly craved delicacy, “tinuom” made of native chicken souped with spices – tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, and lemon grass and wrapped in banana leaves.

22- The remaining meats will be preserved in salt if too much to be cooked at once or straight away cooked, either fried or souped in mixture with palm shoots.

23- The first ship Pearce built for Guion, the “Arizona” was described as a ” souped up transatlantic hot rod” by one nautical historian.

24- In 1954, the company added the detergent additive Petrox to its “Sky Chief” gasoline, which was also souped up with higher octane to meet the antiknock needs of new cars with high-compression engines.

25- Insignia has labelled the product features of souped up anti-WABI SoftPC ‘SoftWindows’ which is based on Bristol Technology’s Red Baron technology.

26- A wealthy Chinese investor, whose name has not been disclosed, bought Beltran’s custom-built Sands Point compound, complete with a souped up man cave, said the broker who handled the sale.

27- The basics are the same: Luigi’s still using a souped up vacuum cleaner to capture spooks and specters while experiencing feelings of dread in basements and attics.

28- The final version is a souped up build of Valve’s Source engine, but apparently at one point it was based upon code from the Ratchet & Clank series.

29- I was wondering how fast a probe could be sent out of the solar magnetosphere : say something sent out as fast as the current Pluto mission but equipped with a souped up ion engine and lots of propellent.

30- Another neat movie with cars was Thunder Road with Robert Mitchum as a bootleg runner with a souped up 49 or 50 Ford and then a souped up 57 Ford Fairlane .

31- Another neat movie with cars was Thunder Road with Robert Mitchum as a bootleg runner with a souped up 49 or 50 Ford and then a souped up 57 Ford Fairlane .

32- Both those with vintage restored spit polished classic cars and the ones with souped up race track cars are enthusiasts just in a completely different fashion .

33- For now , the souped up app’s set to launch on the App Store February 8th, with an Android release to follow soon after.

34- But unlike many other ” open core” systems, Riak CS wasn’t a souped up version of the open source version, but a purpose-built application with new features specifically designed for large scale storage.

35- Sega Rally 2 is one high-speed, off-road racing thrill-ride, a flawless arcade translation that’s been souped up with new Dreamcast-only features. Or time machines made from souped-up sports cars like in the Back to the Future movies?

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