sortied in a sentence

Use ‘sortied’ in a sentence | ‘sortied’ example sentences

1- The garrison sortied unsuccessfully on 29 December.

2- She sortied on 22 January 1944 with TF 52.

3- IV which were sortied against high-altitude targets.

4- Six days later, the force again sortied from Ulithi.

5- This force sortied from Truk on 23 August.

6- On 6 September MinRon 2 sortied from Florida Island.

7- The next day they sortied again.

8- These sortied in response to U.S. Navy air raids on Wake Island.

9- The carrier sortied from Ulithi with TF 38 on 2 November 1944.

10- On the 16th, the force sortied for Iwo Jima.

11- sortied from Poti prior to arrival of Russian forces in August 2008.

12- The French destroyer sortied with destroyers “Fougueux” and “Boulonnais”.

13- Chauncey sortied again on July 21.

14- On 30 December, York and his forces sortied from Sandal Castle.

15- On 3 April, the Ottoman fleet sortied to attack Russian transports off Odessa.

16- On 21 March, she sortied with the task force for the Okinawa invasion.

17- The force–including “Thatcher” in DesDiv 46– sortied on 30 October.

18- TF 11 sortied from Pearl Harbor 15 April 1942 for operations in the Solomons.

19- Farragut sortied from Pearl Harbor with Saratoga for Watchtower on 7 July 1942.

20- She sortied on 13 January with the task force which would invade the Marshall Islands.

21- They joined the Dutch light cruiser on the 18th and the force sortied that afternoon.

22- During the course of the day, American carrier aircraft sortied a total of 259 times.

23- TF 11 sortied on 15 April to join the task force southwest of the New Hebrides.

24- Two days later, she sortied in the screen of the Iwo Jima assault force.

25- After a tedious night refueling, they sortied before dawn to hunt submarines north of the islands.

26- On 23 January she sortied with TG 51.2 for the invasion of the Marshalls.

27- After two days of exercises at Saipan, the fleet sortied for Iwo Jima.

28- Ten days later, TG 58.2 sortied again, bound for Marcus and Wake Islands.

29- The British were aware of the German plans and sortied the Grand Fleet to meet them.

30- At the same time, Leyva sortied from Pavia with what remained of the garrison.

31- Meanwhile, George Palaeologus sortied out of Dyrrhachium, but failed to save the situation.

32- The Alex only sortied twice, and was severely damaged days before the One Year War ended.

33- She thus sortied to war at a marked disadvantage against the new capital ships of the Axis.

34- Those preparations continued until Independence Day when she sortied with Task Unit TU 39.11.6.

35- The task force sortied on 6 October and, four days later, launched air attacks against Okinawa.

36- On 11 November, “South Dakota” and TF 16 sortied from Nouméa for Guadalcanal.

37- On 2 July, the ship sortied as part of the attempt to intercept Arctic convoy PQ-17.

38- Once the repair work was finished, “U-21” sortied through the Dardanelles for another patrol.

39- The light cruiser sortied for typhoon-evasion purposes on the 3rd, returning to port two days later.

40- In the event, the first was aborted and the second delayed until after American carriers had sortied . Noshiro, as DesRon 2’s flagship, sortied with Admiral Kurita’s First Mobile Striking Force, Force “A” (Center Force).

41- Sylvania and other ships of Transport Squadron 14 sortied from Manila on 20 September en route to Japan.

42- York sent for help to his son Edward, but before any reinforcements could arrive, he sortied from the castle on 30 December.

43- 1945 The 12 escort carriers of TG 77.2 and 77.4, and their screen of 19 destroyers, including Bagley, sortied from Kossol Roads on 1 January 1945.

44- “) Meanwhile, Antonio de Leyva had sortied with the garrison, overrunning the 3,000 Swiss under Montmorency that had been manning the siege lines.

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