sorter in a sentence

Use ‘sorter’ in a sentence | ‘sorter’ example sentences

1- Students reenacted real life jobs from sorters to mail carriers.

2- The user can choose what actions ‘ sorter ‘ performs.

3- Extensive fabrication and revision were required to create the final waste sorter .

4- Screens and sorters were used for dry coal.

5- An example of this is the recent ‘ sorter ‘ tool.

6- More sorters had to be recruited and a better pricing system found.

7- The jeepney coin sorter can’t be like that.

8- This premium organizer features three removable canvas and mesh sorter bags for straightforward cleaning.

9- This invention, a jeepney coin sorter , I wish was real.

10- JumpCut uses a standard player interface with a “clip sorter ” below.

11- Later several OEM companies built 96 column keypunches, sorters , collators.

12- The 4 sections in the sorter are for each week in the month.

13- You know those coin sorters – a set of stacked trays punched with holes.

14- sorter than ideal, and won’t consistently separate at the next level.

15- A vertical conveyor with forks can even be used as a vertical sorter .

16- Thumbnails were also added for graphic images in the ‘ sorter ‘ tool.

17- I purchased a Rubbermaid sorter in the office supply section at Wal-mart.

18- Such a system should reduce the cell damage and sheath waste in conventional cell sorters .

19- I have the sorter on my desk where I pay and sort all bills.

20- Sorting can be done manually through carts or conveyor belts, or automatically through sorters .

21- Slide sorter view is also a good place in which to make global changes.

22- The Slide sorter view shows you thumbnails of all the slides in your presentation.

23- Given the nature of the sorter , though, timing may not be a problem.

24- Ms. Pease began her postal career in January of 1973 as a letter sorter machine operator.

25- Fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis of cell suspensions showed that 90 (5) % were monocytes.

26- Autopsy has a ‘File Type’ mode that uses the ‘ sorter ‘ tool.

27- The results of a tabulation are electrically coupled with a sorter while displayed on clock-like dials.

28- He evaluated patent applications for a variety of devices including a gravel sorter and an electromechanical typewriter.

29- Fluorescence-activated cell sorters (FACS) are powerful tools for high-throughput single-cell characterization and sorting.

30- Adopting hyperspectral imaging on digital sorters achieves non-destructive, 100 percent inspection in-line at full production volumes.

31- This included semi-skilled and even unskilled workers, such as bottle sorters , helpers, and packers.

32- Sorting silverware: Sorting silverware is permitted when the sorter intends to eat the Shabbat meal immediately.

33- Mack Fulwyler was the inventor of the forerunner to today’s flow cytometers – particularly the cell sorter .

34- Martin Rapaport began his work in diamonds as a cleaver and rough sorter in Antwerp, Belgium.

35- It’s a data sorter that sorts data entered into a text box either into alphabetical or numerical order.

36- Trott spent his entire working life in the Post Office, employed as a postman and mail sorter .

37- The membership is extended to waste-pickers, sorters and itinerant waste buyers; a majority of whom are women.

38- Mortgage sorter provides you with jargon free, consumer friendly information on UK Mortgages and other personal finance areas.

39- Alternatively, if the sorter intends to set up the meal for a later point, it is prohibited. The CD63 marker is an FITC labeled antigen which can bind to an CD63 protein and is used to sort the cells via FACS(Fluorescence activated cell sorting/sorter).

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