sorrowing in a sentence

Use ‘sorrowing’ in a sentence | ‘sorrowing’ example sentences

1- Divinity sorrowing over and soothing the ills of suffering humanity!

2- Both left widows; Drewitt also left five sorrowing children.

3- Glorious fact! the sorrowing backslider shall not be left behind.

4- It’s our duty to restore it to its sorrowing owners.

5- He knew no woe, but he felt deep pity for sorrowing humanity.

6- His epitaph reads “Placed by his sorrowing and affectionate pupils”.

7- But the Communion service was not to be a season of sorrowing .

8- A true penitent labours to work his heart into a sorrowing frame.

9- Prodigious technique never overpowers her beautiful characterisation of the sorrowing Swan Queen .

10- Eternal Mother. the sorrowing Mother.

11- sorrowing women in Vincent’s past were put into the category of mater dolorosas .

12- Here it was that the sad nevus from the sorrowing sisters reached the Master.

13- Many a shepherd, many a king, I fold them safe from their sorrowing .

14- As the heart bears a chief part in sinning, so it must in sorrowing .

15- Think of it particularly whenever a sorrowing , disconsolate sinner approaches you in your pastoral capacity.

16- Behold thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing * (Luke 4, 48).

17- He received the last sacraments and died a Christian death, leaving my mother a sorrowing widow.

18- sorrowing , they shared the solidarity of loss; grieving, their minds were blistered by disappointment.

19- We have to consider in this chapter the dying Parent’s last words to His sorrowing children.

20- Tradition dictates that the Virgin Mary as the sorrowing “Mater Dolorosa” is the last image.

21- We, his sorrowing family of disciples, mourn his passing but shall ever continue to invoke his spirit.

22- A sorrowful saint can sympathize with a sorrowing Savior, and with his fellow-believers in their sorrows.

23- There is no sorrowing .

24- And now, even in His last agony, He remembers to provide for His sorrowing , widowed mother.

25- Resolved: That we extend to his sorrowing wife and family our sincerest sympathy in their hour of bereavement.

26- We thought he might happen to hear who had lost the five bob, and return it to its sorrowing family.

27- The parent’s intention is often to protect so they hide tears and sorrowing putting on a ghastly pretence of cheerfulness.

28- sorrowing for his death and dereliction, the brothers laid Theophile in the chapel and chanted their masses for his soul.

29- He was never able to relate adequately, as a sorrowing widower, to the two small boys left in his care.

30- He that can believe without doubting, suspect his faith; and he that can repent without sorrowing , suspect his repentance.

31- A Buddhist cremation was organised for him at Dadar Chowpatty beach on 7 December, attended by half a million sorrowing people.

32- Primed by an envoy with the news that Ariadne is alone and sorrowing , the chorus again sings in sympathy with her.

33- sorrowing at this, Amida made the Vow, the essential intent of which is the evil person’s attainment of Buddhahood.

34- I saw them sorrowing and weeping because of my death and tried so hard to comfort them, but all to no purpose.

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