sorrowful in a sentence

Use ‘sorrowful’ in a sentence | ‘sorrowful’ example sentences

1- The sorrowful waiting through the long years finally brought fruit.

2- The music is lyrical, sorrowful and expansive.

3- How lonely and sorrowful it must feel!

4- It is a sorrowful and shameful record.

5- And through me is their sorrowful death.

6- His death assumes the total sorrowful meaning of a national loss.

7- The faithful yet sorrowful Mother holding her heroic yet lifeless Son.

8- But one must notice above all the sorrowful aspect.

9- The school’s economic condition is a sorrowful one.

10- I am a sad and sorrowful spectator of events.

11- They are learning the paradox of ” sorrowful yet always rejoicing”.

12- He leaves a sorrowful wife and grown-up family.

13- Sampson read her sorrowful face after his fashion.

14- The finitude of individual existence is totally sorrowful .

15- The two pest control marketeers were recently a sorrowful sight.

16- What mystery are they saying? only the third sorrowful mystery?

17- It is more suspenseful, more sorrowful , more adventurous.

18- We hear him confessing that his soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death.

19- I was definitely a sorrowful time for me.

20- These sorrowful tales were a departure from his usual lighthearted fare.

21- And this moment for Elektra was a very sorrowful one.

22- But now, this is enough of the sorrowful side.

23- Had his story ended there it would have been sorrowful .

24- He regretted much and become very sorrowful and came to his mother.

25- One of the three khthons began to hum a sorrowful melody.

26- Describe the look of a person with a sorrowful heart.

27- The music is generally sorrowful and typically deals with a love-stricken women.

28- His liquid eyes were sorrowful and the ends of his moustache drooped.

29- They can become quite jealous, quite sorrowful , depressed and very anxious.

30- A bridegroom asks his betrothed why she is so sorrowful .

31- The sorrowful rise of neuter man.

32- He is named Tristan because of the sorrowful circumstances of his birth.

33- McCrea stood in the street looking sorrowful and dejected.

34- The fifteen mysteries are divided into Joyful, sorrowful and Glorious.

35- You may be sad and sorrowful .

36- The poem interlocks the narrative description with Mariana’s own sorrowful moans.

37- Maila left sorrowful on Gardo’s false death.

38- While some songs are quiet and sorrowful , others are more upbeat and exciting. She looks sorrowful and forlorn.

39- In hard times, in sorrowful times, let’s try doing something for other people.

40- It is funny, sorrowful, and even (in a close-focus sort of way) suspenseful.

41- ” Bookmarks Magazine said critics were “clearly affected by the images that populate Oppegaard’s sorrowful world.

42- The poem is expressed with a sorrowful tone.

43- As Iluska makes her choice extremely clear, the sorrowful Bagó joins the hussars at the beginning of the story.

44- When Kara Lynn recovers from her drugged sleep, Wiley is taken aback, and sorrowful, that she is, contrary to his expectations, an intelligent and unspoiled young woman.

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