sophism in a sentence

Use ‘sophism’ in a sentence | ‘sophism’ example sentences

1- They love sophisms more than it is necessary.

2- The argument is as old as the sophism .

3- Rhetoric is stripped on the ground and tied by sophism .

4- Thus there arose in Greece the movement known as sophism .

5- It swept away all wrangling, subterfuge and sophism .

6- What an ugly and crude sophism !

7- I’m simply pointing out the grade one sophism used in the article.

8- The sophisms of the enemy and his manifold arts of attack we have already touched upon.

9- sophisms such as ‘institutional violence’ and ‘verbal violence’ would have baffled them.

10- Nothing short of “ignorant presumption” can account for the reiteration of a sophism so stale.

11- It was a sophism intended to confuse the minds of an ignorant and prejudiced part of the population.

12- This is a sophism .

13- It was in the year 1807 that I launched my first attack upon his shameless and cruel, sophisms .

14- Non-classical literature is an unpleasant, disquieting literature which refuses to allow the sophisms of bourgeois complacency to go unchallenged.

15- sophism emphasized rhetoric, and argument, and therefore often involved criticism of traditional Greek religion and flirtation with moral relativism.

16- The second sophism consists in leaping from the authority of such a bad law to the authority of the ruler in general.

17- Needless to say, we are almost utterly in the dark about the manner in which arguments were made or received: the wink, the look of disgust, the detection of sophisms , are rarely matters of record and most often are matters of fanciful speculation by the reader.

18- Relativism, sophism , idea that there are only different points of view, no objective standpoint from which you can judge all these points of view and what might be common to them.

19- Hence our duty and right to refuse the sophisms which are corrupting the Faith today and which are the result of a false philosophy and a false theology, against which Pope Pius XII puts us on our guard in Humani Generis.

20- Even their statements of doctrine, their abstract and distinctive principles may, and often must be restated in diversified language, to meet the evershifting position and subtle sophisms of adversaries.

21- They reproduce CALHOUN’S elaborate sophism as the true theory of our Government, and assert that condition still to exist which ALEXANDER HAMILTON and JAMES MADISON, in the Federalist, declared that the Union was expressly formed to destroy.

22- Hipparchia with one sophism put to Silence Theodorus . It was thus: That which Theodorus doing, he is not said to do unjustly; if Hipparchia do, she is not said to do unjustly.

23- This sophism does also palpably contradict the plain testimony of the faithful Witness himself.”Without me ye can do nothing”a saying eternally true both in its moral and physical sense.

24- Even his idea of the state as something that promotes virtue seems an unpleasant, oppressive and totalitarian thought, reached by a series of sophisms .

25- He never advances a false opinion because it is new or splendid, because he can clothe it in a happy phrase, or defend it by an ingenious sophism .

26- Principles which the most hardened ruffian would scarcely hint to his most trusted accomplice, or avow, without the disguise of some palliating sophism , even to his own mind, are professed without the slightest circumlocution, and assumed as the fundamental axioms of all political science.

27- For I am not ignorant of the facts that human reason much more easily takes the form of opinion than of truth and that when two men disagree, what one thinks he has proven is just a sophism to the other.

28- It is intended to be a collection of maxims of general utility, but it exhibits good and bad precepts, sound judgments, and refined sophisms , all confounded together.

29- Such a man must plainly either have such confidence in his rhetoric as to adventure to prove that what has been once for all decided is still undetermined, or be bribed to try to delude us by elaborate sophisms .

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