sojourned in a sentence

Use ‘sojourned’ in a sentence | ‘sojourned’ example sentences

1- In those cities many of them had sojourned during their exile.

2- I sojourned in this Cellia nine years.

3- Constantine sojourned there on numerous occasions.

4- After this, the Holy Family sojourned for six months in this house.

5- That same year, Otto besieged Speyer without success, where his opponent Philip sojourned .

6- Nahmanides left Aragon and sojourned for three years somewhere in Castille or in southern France.

7- For who that had sojourned among you did not approve your most virtuous and stedfast faith?

8- Her soul sojourned in the dimension associated with the planet Jupiter prior to incarnating into the world.

9- Elijah sojourned in Sidon, performing miracles (1 Kings 17:9–24; ).

10- Other Tuscarora bands sojourned in the Juniata River valley of Pennsylvania, before reaching New York.

11- There he sojourned for a space; but his leave being up, he returned to Bombay.

12- So, Yitzchak sojourned in the Land of Canaan his entire life in a land that he never owned.

13- Upon graduating from her scholastic studies, she sojourned in France, Italy, and Switzerland on a luxury trip.

14- They grew white lilies around a well and under the chapel wall for our Lady who had sojourned once in Egypt.

15- Van Gogh and Gauguin sojourned in Arles in 1888, Cézanne returned to his birthplace, Aix-en-Provence, in 1886.

16- He went down to Egypt with meager numbers and sojourned there; but there he became a great and very populous nation.

17- Euna Lee and Laura Ling of Al Gore’s Current TV network sojourned in a state guest house near Pyongyang for most of the time, but Park is presumably being held in total isolation, most likely in a remote mountain prison.

18- Miriam’s perspective and insights were not limited to the time in the wilderness, nor is the relevance of her teaching restricted to those who sojourned with her in the desert.

19- In seeking to find a predecessor who might help bring an understanding to McCandless’s personality, the author suggests looking at a young man who sojourned not in Alaska but in Utah, Everett Ruess (Chapter 8).

20- In other words, Jacob says, I sojourned with Laban, yet I kept all 613 commandments, and I did not learn from his wicked deeds.

21- Rashi offers up the following answer to this question: Your servant Jacob says thus, ‘I have sojourned ( garti ) with Laban… The numerical value of the Hebrew word garti (here translated as sojourned), is 613.

22- Rashi offers up the following answer to this question: Your servant Jacob says thus, ‘I have sojourned ( garti ) with Laban… The numerical value of the Hebrew word garti (here translated as sojourned ), is 613.

23- The text here is familiar to many of us, though not from Shavuot: ” My father was a wandering Aramean who went to Egypt and sojourned there, few in number.

24- Eighteen students from the Los Alamos High School Choir sojourned to New York City to join other high school musicians from around the country to form a 150 member National Festival Chorus and perform at the Lincoln Center.

25- My mission: to combine–with as much beauty and clarity as I can muster–these elements on canvas as a birthday present from Anne to her husband, with whom she has sojourned in East Africa.

26- Christ had sojourned in the world for thirty- three years; he had endured its scorn, insult, and mockery; he had been rejected and crucified.

27- When Isaac sojourned in Gerar, the people of the land desired Rebecca, his wife, but Abimelech protected both Isaac and Rebecca (Genesis 26:1-25).

28- St. Paul states that the 430 years reach back to the covenant with Abraham. (Gal. 3:17.) The sojourning began with Abraham as soon as he entered the promised land, and for a time the children of Israel sojourned in the loins of their father Abraham. — Heb. 7:10.

29- In Exodus 12:40 there is a record to the effect that the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, had sojourned exactly 430 years when they left that country.

30- A great day is a head of us, we will start with sightseeing of the historical Tiberias, where it Is believed Jesus lived, sojourned , and preached on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

31- To these he was sent, and these he sought out in the neighboring counties, and among them he sojourned until his more ample ministry came upon him.

32- Just as the people of Israel , in their exodus from Egypt , sojourned in the desert for forty years and were tested (Deut 8:2), so Jesus, in the new exodus, was in the desert for forty days and underwent temptations (Luke 4:1-2).

33- Dr IRAWO, You were a Gem who achieved so much within the short time you sojourned on earth, You surely impacted positively on people’s life..Everyone that came across you testified to this fact.

34- During the period of the Crusades, the Jewish traveller Benjamin of Tudela (1170) sojourned at Jaffa, and found there just one Jew, a dyer by trade.

35- The Báb left Isfahán in March 1847, sojourned outside Tehran several months, then was sent to a fortress at Máh-Kú, close to the Turkish border.

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