snippet in a sentence

Use ‘snippet’ in a sentence | ‘snippet’ example sentences

1- The following method snippets show examples of throws advice.

2- Used for variables within computer code snippets .

3- The following code snippets were tested using version 2.8.

4- One new feature they are pushing hard is code snippets .

5- Take the following code snippets for example.

6- Two little snippets missing from this piece.

7- These are snippets created to be used later .

8- I also found various other useful snippets .

9- This works best with headlines and descriptive snippets .

10- No one could learn much from such snippets .

11- Perhaps a few musical snippets would enhance a superb website.

12- It also provided a few snippets of absurd press.

13- I have been storing away little snippets and stories for years.

14- Other snippets are less successful, mainly because of unfortunate phrasing.

15- This is no longer someone viewing snippets from the news.

16- It also contains snippets of sheet music and illustrations.

17- It was just all snippets of things.

18- I use snippets for two main purposes.

19- And all sorts of snippets and gossip.

20- Anyway , here are a few snippets I threw together.

21- This inline assembly snippet is short and simple.

22- The screen snippet below is from our offline advertising reporting package.

23- Some comments are warranted concerning the above XML configuration snippet .

24- Willis also frequently broke into shorter snippets of Motown songs.

25- These featured short soundtrack snippets from the year’s top films.

26- There are some snippets of the new album.

27- You can eliminate repeated code snippets by turning them into procedures.

28- Can you spot which of the following song snippets are incorrect?

29- The snippet was later removed from the website.

30- A management tool for code snippets is built in as well.

31- These were snippets from the recording process for the next album.

32- Nice snippets on how the social platforms have grown btw.

33- You may also incorporate snippets of mail in your learning process.

34- Here are a few short snippets from the videos we recorded.

35- The proposed Clojure versions of the Scala snippets seem overall simpler.

36- Swap gardening snippets on our letters page.

37- Including rich snippets data should also help to lower your bounce rate.

38- The following snippets allow you to easily grep within your project.

39- The following is the code snippet required for doing the job.

40- Once the last snippet has melted, remove the flame. When viewing your photos, press on one to see a snippet of motion and sound.

41- Microsoft showed a snippet of the game and the live-action TV show at Gamescom this year.

42- Shazam finds exactly the recording that contains a given snippet, but no other recordings of the same piece.

43- X-Cite Records (2010) On December 7, 2009, a 30-second snippet of the song was posted on Amelin’s official YouTube channel.

44- Before ” Love of My Life “, May played a snippet of the intro to ” Las Palabras de Amor ” calling it “a little fiddle around”.

45- Twidgets A twango twidget is an embedded snippet of code (currently Flash or Javascript ) that can be added to a user’s blog.

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