sniping in a sentence

Use ‘sniping’ in a sentence | ‘sniping’ example sentences

1- Some missions involve sniping using first-person shooter gameplay.

2- But they are useful for clearly seeing distant targets while sniping .

3- Two more men are at the far end sniping .

4- Looks a whole lot of sniping along party lines .

5- Choose the laser if sniping is becoming a prevalent tactic.

6- High areas are a necessity if you are sniping .

7- All that sniping , all those nasty cracks.

8- Rich with personal sniping and thin on politics.

9- The sniping is solid with decent bullet ballistics and bullet drop.

10- However, this tour was also accompanied by public sniping .

11- Why spoil what time they had together by sniping ?

12- They started sniping the Germans, who eventually withdrew.

13- It has a scope capable of 4x optical zoom for sniping .

14- For practical sniping purposes there is nothing better than a spring system.

15- And now there’s sniping within the family.

16- Cut-price food retailers are already sniping at supermarkets in continental Europe.

17- Mining and sniping support both raids and ambushes.

18- I wish people would stop sniping at reports like this .

19- The Recon class focuses on sniping and spotting enemies.

20- Thus it becomes more commonly used like an artillery purpose than sniping .

21- The same mosquitoes, the same sniping and mortaring going on.

22- On deck I feel a perfect target for any sniping moron.

23- Such tactics include: sabotage, sniping , extraction and covert operations.

24- At first light the mortaring and sniping started.

25- Pirogova in her sniping position during the exchange.

26- The young woman was sniping at the Counsellors.

27- The days were filled with minor attacks, artillery duels and sniping .

28- Explain how someone may benefit from your griping and sniping .

29- You stop firing at me, and I stop sniping back?

30- Then Robert Patrick and Joaquin start sniping at one another.

31- Also agree with Jarhead about police snipings .

32- Special Ability gives her auto aim, helping her aim when sniping .

33- Sniper goes sniping for another Robot Heavy.

34- The enemy made no attempt to counter-attack, only desultory sniping .

35- Happy sniping those poor defensless grunts in the head.

36- The Irregulars attacked Army posts and patrols, mainly by sniping .

37- While others spend time wrapping and shopping, Donohue stays busy sniping .

38- Do you have to keep up this non-stop barrage of sniping ?

39- And the market for dedicated sniping games proves I’m far from alone.

40- Yet curiously the sniping at her continues today, sometimes with fierce intensity. A long-range unit, it has the accuracy to match Razma’s natural sniping unit.

41- sniping and naval artillery were used to harass the defenders and deny them sleep.

42- S. Yes, In That Way”, where he was among the Cobra members seeing Calvin sniping the G.I. Joe members.

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