sniped in a sentence

Use ‘sniped’ in a sentence | ‘sniped’ example sentences

1- This protects you from being ” sniped ” by a single increment.

2- Getting sniped at by Illingworth from afar didn’t help either.

3- The British also sniped with each other over the subject of provisions.

4- You also sniped Frieri from me , damn you to hell!

5- After a week his cousin was sniped in the heart of Latakia.

6- Fortunately snipers generally stand very still, making them prime targets for being sniped themselves.

7- Though constantly sniped at during its march, the column made it through successfully.

8- What good is that 3600 mastery doing you if you’re getting sniped ?

9- They might get sniped at but no one considered it beyond the pale.

10- Derek Roy sniped a shot upstairs at the 34 -second mark of the opening stanza.

11- Every time he went out he carried water, ammunition and sniped in the intervals.

12- None of those who sniped at his film career were ever to be so lasciviously tempted.

13- Nabiki schemed and fumed and sniped .

14- Irish special forces sniped wild animals capable of bearing the disease, such as deer, in the area.

15- Before he could react, Nick Fury Jr. sniped at the Junkman of Brooklyn and killed him.

16- She is also helping Murphy and co discretely as a silent partner for unknown reasons after Harry was sniped .

17- Slip the blue end of the other strip under the sniped diamond half and over the remaining white paper.

18- North of the village, the 9th Brigade was bombarded and sniped all day and but stood fast.

19- He is untimely sniped by Fumbles in the throat when the Joe Team were ambushed only leaving Duke alive.

20- Heidi and Liane took positions on a ridge overlooking the quad bike course, while Juan sniped from a helicopter.

21- I mean, you always think about yourself…” “That’s not what I meant!” Kei sniped .

22- However, during the drive, Hyun-jun was sniped in the head by IRIS Agent Ray (from IRIS II).

23- The Indians sniped at the soldiers while organizing a charge and then rushed in among the soldiers, killing all of them.

24- Sometimes prominent people do lay themselves open, in a way, to being sniped at, just because they are prominent.

25- Hooks even sniped at Dyson, asserting that his latest book containing practical suggestions for improving the Black community, including gender relations, is well beyond the intellectual capacity of young Black men.

26- However, rather than have them instantly know where you sniped them from, they will go into a “hunting” mode.

27- Repair parties were sniped at by the Japanese in daylight, and at night were fired on by our own men, who were suspicious of any movement in the dark.

28- During the whole of this time they were exposed to heavy machine gun fire and were continually sniped at, but in spite of this they ceaselessly sniped the enemy and caused him many casualties.

29- During the whole of this time they were exposed to heavy machine gun fire and were continually sniped at, but in spite of this they ceaselessly sniped the enemy and caused him many casualties.

30- Critics have sniped that the dividing line between the political and the profit motive has never been too sharply defined on Hamnett’s agenda, a feeling provoked by such off-the-cuff comments as her enthusiasm for an idea that will ‘make me rich and won’t hurt animals’.

31- They sniped at us enough to keep us on edge and when they got bored with that they would fire six to ten rounds of their small knee mortars, and then duck back into their caves before Pete could bring mortar fire on them.

32- King, reviled by many, but acknowledged as an expert in the cynical exploitation of the pop world sniped : ‘I thought when Kylie Minogue did ‘I Should Be So Lucky, Lucky, Lucky,’ it was one of the most awful things I have ever heard.

33- Kylie has never disguised her contempt at being sniped at by critics who dismiss her talents as an actress and as a singer.

34- Not only do I have to bear the constant burden of the children with no support, the house, managing everything, but I also am continuously sniped at by him.

35- They have grown used to being sniped at by sceptical outsiders like Dawkins who mock this goal of an inner empiricism, based on disciplined introspection.

36- Since then, Yanukovych has mostly sniped from the sidelines while leading the Party of Regions, which has the largest faction in parliament.

37- Uncut wire and fire from dug-outs along a sunken road delayed the right-hand battalion; the wire was cut by the officers, who were sniped at by the defenders and had many casualties.

38- While camped at Clarendon, some unarmed, swimming soldiers of the 43rd were sniped at from the woods across the river.

39- Taking 2,000 men and a few cannons, he set out for Porto but on 21 June stumbled into a hornet’s nest of guerillas who sniped at him and rolled boulders down from the heights. Brady has had shouting matches with Suggs during games, and sniped at him when the game was over, too.

40- “Gloria’s a genius-who runs a Gestapo operation,” sniped Falken Smith in a 1981 People Weekly interview.

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