sniggers in a sentence

Use ‘sniggers’ in a sentence | ‘sniggers’ example sentences

1- There were a few partially smothered sniggers .

2- He could visualize the sniggers of his subordinates.

3- He sniggers , and so does Gerald.

4- It’s behind our backs I’m hearing the sniggers .

5- When he relates that it is Mary Whitehouse – his son-in-law sniggers .

6- His enjoyment was muffled into my neck, puffing sniggers at my expense.

7- They stared in silence: There were no murmurs of ridicule, no sniggers .

8- The sniggers soon turn to laughter and the film just keeps piling on the comic moments.

9- As he entered the school gates, he was greeted with sniggers from the small boys.

10- Over his face quivered shades of the sniggers he had just been enjoying with his mates.

11- Village chickens are known to celebrate their day release with darting runs, chortles, sniggers and titters.

12- sniggers and the double meanings surrounded the subject which was one of the biggest taboos in our society.

13- Just this week, the BAAPS (is it just me that sniggers when I see that acronym?

14- They stood aside and let us pass, though we heard the sniggers and laughter caused by their little jokes.

15- I’ve found them to be quite effective, actually,’ he sniggers in a lewd and rueful manner.

16- Assessments of Clifford’s penis were presented as evidence at Southwark Crown Court, eliciting sniggers from jurors and journalists.

17- Some factors left out : They don’t take into account the quality of the student body (delete sniggers ).

18- Mickey Mouse sniggers and Greta Garbo averts her pained gaze from our mortified writhings on the shallow fur of cinema seats.

19- Even when Chappie was at his most inept the majority of the crowd resorted to muffled sniggers rather than abuse and barracking.

20- There are giggles and sniggers for the first half, but the real hilarity kicks in as the story turns to Scotland.

21- Apparated five miles south of where he meant to, right on top of some poor old dear doing her shopping, remember?” “Yes, well, he passed the second time,” said Mrs. Weasley, marching back into the kitchen amid hearty sniggers .

22- Two of her brothers, boys of Martha’s age but half her height, fell into an exchange of sniggers and whispers, and Mada Joyce paused to smack them around the ears.

23- Practise caution when ordering this particular dish – it will be sure to draw sniggers from the younger crowd (It’s a tautology.

24- A courtesan, no doubt” wrote Jules Claretie in Le Figaro . There may have been over three thousand canvasses at the Salon, but visitors seemed only to have eyes for Olympia . Laughter too, sniggers and protests.

25- His maiden speech was greeted by sneers and sniggers from the professional politicians in the Dáil and set the scene for what was to follow.

26- Lucian sniggers and then smashes the boxes with his sword, with the line; If someone gets in our way, we take them down.

27- And we both, as they say, cracked up : we laughed at each other, full face, showing at last with teeth and tongue and tonsils the mortal hilarity that sniggers behind everything we do here.

28- We recall Sonnet 129, with its bitter puns on ‘expence’ and ‘action’, or the sniggers of Lucio or Pistol.

29- And while it might be heftier than the Samsungs, HTCs and LGs your mates have got, place it next to them on the table at the pub and you won’t get too many sniggers .

30- There were sniggers when it emerged during John McCririck’s ageism case against Channel 4 that Gok Wan had been considered for a role appraising fashion as part of Channel 4’s racing coverage.

31- But the kissing and romping brought some embarrassed sniggers from the audience even though it was all done in the best possible taste.

32- The venue is packed and our sniggers are only punctuated by some uncomfortable fidgeting when Andre picks reluctant audience members to join him .

33- The real Mr Singleton Snr ‘loves the film’ although the director hesitates when asked what his mother made of it ‘Eh, she loves it too,’ he says, then sniggers .

34- Think about everything you ever learned about queueing – from early memories at theme parks where kids who queue-jump get escorted in shame by staff to the back of the line, to the sniggers and muttered words directed at adults who attempt to cut a queue – and forget it all.

35- Dressing-gown sniggers .

36- Shocked giggles and sniggers ran round the company.’

37- ‘The cry goes up every morning to Rob,’ sniggers Fred. Angered by sniggers from the audience, he smashed the instrument on the stage.

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