sniggering in a sentence

Use ‘sniggering’ in a sentence | ‘sniggering’ example sentences

1- Journalism has always hovered between soaring ideals and base sniggering .

2- Can you avoid the kind of dirty, sniggering aspect though?

3- No. I am not a sniggering frat boy.

4- No amount of sniggering from Right Wing journalists will change this.

5- I trust the audience will remain FreeFrom any sniggering .

6- Even officers are sniggering behind their hands as Tory Councillors pass by.

7- There’s nothing sneering or sniggering about it.

8- There is round-the-table sniggering at this bold assertion of Fred’s.

9- He accused Mr Moir of ‘ sniggering ‘.

10- Corbett asked, glaring at Ranulf, who was sniggering softly beside him.

11- They tied her up to a tension, with many si sniggering jest.

12- Mind it doesn’t occur again!’ and swaggered off, sniggering .

13- All of them were looking at something Harry couldn’t see and sniggering heartily.

14- I see my chaplain sniggering !

15- Stop sniggering at the back.

16- And when they’d finished gurgling and sniggering at teach other, he went on.

17- They haven’t even got teeth!” Crabbe was sniggering , apparently very pleased with himself.

18- It’s not just these couple of guys caught sniggering about seeing a woman getting beaten up.

19- Moira went over to her friends and he saw them looking back at him and sniggering .

20- She has a vivid picture of Bob capering triumphantly in the snow, sniggering like a ten-year-old.

21- Gene Hunt is on the brink of becoming a kind of icon of the sniggering , unreconstructed lad.

22- No sniggering please but, via WikiLeaks, the State Department has provided us with a possible answer.

23- But it’s not all laughter and sniggering , the book also deals with every day human problems.

24- Slytherins up and down the table were sniggering , twisting in their seats to see Harry’s reaction.

25- Sending an emoji of a monkey sniggering can be cute to friends but catastrophic to a love interest .

26- Hi Henry: To ‘cock a snook’ at someone was to make a sniggering hand jesture.

27- Imagine the scene : hugely ugly stereo systems being demoed to a group of (frankly) sniggering journos.

28- You wait, I’ll get to you and then you’ll be sniggering the other side of your face!

29- Rob the Grinder ‘ran sniggering off to get change and tossed it away with a pieman’, DS 38.

30- Many passers-by sniggered at the look of him, but when he began to sing his verses the sniggering stopped at once.

31- Having made the impact he always promised (stop sniggering you lot!) he lay down in the six yard box, expertly controlled the ball with his hand, and unleashed an unstoppable shot from 4 yards out.

32- In a very few minutes, as a rule, some of them begin to edge up to it, and as they are generally small boys, they commence nudging each other, whispering, and sniggering .

33- When we arrived at Sandy Balls (stop sniggering ) on a Thursday in early July, we were surprised to find a drive-in check-in system.

34- Or making a classy save playing in goal instead of wondering how the ball passed between my legs when I was sure they were closed (no sniggering please).

35- Growing up in a house that looks like a museum exhibit displaying the architecture of ancient Athens, she was a black-haired, black-eyed oddity whose exotic lunch delicacies, like moussaka, caused teasing and sniggering among her blonde, whitebread classmates.

36- In front of me five youths, age seventeen, leaning back, arms spread, cool, sniggering and making jokes, pretending not to be frightened.

37- I paid no mind to any sniggering travellers because tucked into my wallet was an official paycheck stuff “JA Ranch Contract Labor” written on it along with my name. Foggy Bottom (no sniggering in the back, there) is another great area to visit.

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