sniggered in a sentence

Use ‘sniggered’ in a sentence | ‘sniggered’ example sentences

1- Foreign observers sniggered and called him a basketball player.

2- Steve sniggered and Mr Shepherd gave them a quiet smile.

3- He passed on and Charlie Hatton sniggered .

4- I sniggered , knowing Harry wasn’t really into the whole cute relationship stuff.

5- At this Massie & Hughes–who were in the secret– sniggered .

6- The ‘broth’ sniggered .

7- Rosa Kenny’s children sniggered on the lower landing and jumped aside to let him pass.

8- Barney sniggered then continued, ‘Selwyn Hopkins told me he has just bought a motorbike.

9- He belched and Charlie sniggered .

10- One of the businessmen sniggered and whispered a comment to his neighbour, who burst into raucous laughter.

11- He pursed his big mouth into such a babyish pout that Meredith found him comical; he sniggered .

12- The old man sniggered .

13- She sniggered , defensively.

14- Horne sniggered to himself.

15- I sniggered with relief.

16- The Americans all sniggered .

17- Some of the boys looked round at Alec Davidson, the smallest boy in the class, and sniggered .

18- The two retainers sniggered .

19- The twentysomethings sniggered so he told them to shut up, gaining an instant roar of approval from the same people.

20- While West Ham moaned about their beautiful football being robbed or stifled, we just sniggered at how ridiculous they were.

21- Once, a dealer at Harvard Securities admitted to a director that he had been paid twice, and the director sniggered .

22- Many passers-by sniggered at the look of him, but when he began to sing his verses the sniggering stopped at once.

23- Some in the audience also scribbled notes on pads held high to catch the flickering light, while others sniggered at the fashions of 1989 or commented on how far the students were able to push the government.

24- Professor Trelawney, who had been so pleased with the pair of them when they had been predicting their own horrific deaths, quickly became irritated as they sniggered through her explanation of the various ways in which Pluto could disrupt everyday life.

25- The name stuck and by the end of the day it seemed to Murray that every child in the school covertly sniggered ‘Toady’ as he passed.

26- Michael sniggered behind Moran as soon as they were on the road together but it drew such a quelling look from Maggie that he went quiet.

27- Does that mean Homo sapiens were, as Christopher Hardaker claims, responsible for “600,000 year old art?” 27 If so, does this alone suggest the often sniggered at talk of Mu, Atlantis and other ancient civilisations has real geological substance?

28- Natasha sniggered .

29- I sniggered derisively.

30- And when asked if he was sorry for Mansell losing a win in such a heartbreaking way, he replied ‘I don’t feel sorry nobody’ and sniggered .

31- Yesterday, when they asked him if he’d have some more tea he said ‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,’ and then sniggered all over.

32- Many sniggered at the time but within no time at all, every team in the England and Scotland was turning out in similar kit.

33- His two companions, however, sniggered as I referred to the great cardinal, affairs of state, and finally to the Luciferi.

34- Pearce claims also that he once kicked Gullit up in the air during a training session, and a number of other players sniggered at this due to Gullit’s poor relationship with them.

35- Kuchuk sniggered .

36- Kubitsky sniggered .

37- She sniggered .

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